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TMX Elmo Availability BF


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There is such a craze going on right now with the new TMX Elmo. Most everywhere is sold out and a few stores are still taking orders that should come in within the next two to four weeks. I also read that only 1/3 of the normal Elmo production was made this year. Do you guys think it will be able to be found by BF?
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If this is such a big product, I'm sure that they'll have some laying around for Black Friday, but nonetheless - I would keep some of these links bookmarked, so if they do become available online you will have them:


Elmo TMX at Toys"R"Us/Babies"R"Us - NOT AVAILABLE

Elmo TMX at Wal-Mart


Elmo TMX at Target

Elmo TMX at Amazon


Also, keep the GottaDeal Pricegrabber website in mind, and check it as much as possible, it will display the site with the best price as these toys become more available. Click here for a direct like to the Pricegrabber Elmo TMX page.

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“T.M.X.” Elmo will tickle America’s funny bone with three interactive tickle spots on his chin, tummy or toe. When kids tickle Elmo once on any of the tickle spots, he starts to laugh and slap his leg twice, then falls down into a sitting position and rocks himself back up to standing while laughing. When they tickle him a second time, he repeats the pattern even more, then sits down again and falls backwards onto his back and starts kicking his feet while laughing even harder. He then stands back up and asks to be tickled again. And on the third tickle he absolutely lets loose going through the first two patterns and then rolling over onto his tummy where he starts hitting the floor with his hand in gales of laughter, then rolling onto his back, standing up again, and ending with a deep sigh. Requires 6 AA batteries.


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I'm so excited that I was able to get one ordered on the PBS website this morning. From what I can tell, they are no longer taking orders. I probably should have ordered more than one but I was just happy to be able to order. We've watched the video clip on cnn several times and we just roar with laughter every time we watch it.


Thanks for posting that PBS still had them available to order!



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Our toys r us had them the other day my daughter in law reserved hers and when she went to pick it up she thought she would have to wait in line. No one was there and she got a extra one paid 39.99 for them but she has not opened them yet just the flap on the box which says no peeping. She is waiting for xmas to be surprised like my grandson.
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There is such a craze going on right now with the new TMX Elmo. Most everywhere is sold out and a few stores are still taking orders that should come in within the next two to four weeks. I also read that only 1/3 of the normal Elmo production was made this year. Do you guys think it will be able to be found by BF?

check out your local craigslist.several people in my area have them for trade or barter
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Totally bummed. I ordered one through PBS when they were at 39.99. They were marked Backorder but they were still taking the orders. Just got an email from them (2 days later) that says they cancelled my order because they had too many orders and they don't know when they would be able to fill it.


Oh well, win some lose some.



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I forgot about them coming out. My daughter had her very first dental appt and was freaked out. I thought we would swing by toys r us to pick up something to make her feel better. There was a big stack of them. We took one home with us, but she is afraid of it if its turned on. Oh well
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A sign of what's to come? :eek: at Fisher-Price.com you can pre-order up to 4 now for a backorder date of 12/8!! OMG!


Also, remember there are already 2 editions out.

1st has "Top Secret" with no peeking sound and

2nd has "Warning: May Cause Uncontrollable Laughter" and laughing sounds on front of the boxes.


I have 17 of the "Top Secret" badboys to sell for the holidays!

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Guys check your local area COSTCO's. I have been told that they did still have some in stock. Make sure to call the store before going out. I know when that last Harry Potter book came out and they were sold out everywhere else Costco's still had a ton of them. Also if you are not a member just get a free one day pass.
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They are on Fisher Price's webiste right now, for delivery after Dec 8th, limit 4. I have been looking everywhere for them!!!


Some guy is selling a link to the FP site on ebay for $5. It goes into the whole I am not sure but I believe they will ship 12-8 etc... and ppl are buying them If only we could point them here for free.

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Finally! I found some! After getting an email from PBS saying they cancelled my order (cancelled all the backorders) I figured I wouldn't be able to find any.


Picked up 15 of them yesterday! I've been dragging my butt out at 3 in the morning every night to check the all night places and finally found some. The employees were laughing when I walked in. After 3 nights in a row they new what I was after and as I walked down the aisle one of the girls yelled to me "We got them, we got them!!!" Felt like I scored a touchdown!



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Finally! I found some! After getting an email from PBS saying they cancelled my order (cancelled all the backorders) I figured I wouldn't be able to find any.


Picked up 15 of them yesterday! I've been dragging my butt out at 3 in the morning every night to check the all night places and finally found some. The employees were laughing when I walked in. After 3 nights in a row they new what I was after and as I walked down the aisle one of the girls yelled to me "We got them, we got them!!!" Felt like I scored a touchdown!



Do you plan on selling these 15?

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