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Holiday care package - give me ALL the special holiday things


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Looking for ideas on yummy holiday flavored/ themed things to send my UK friend in a care package. What's a shelf stable snack seasonal or otherwise that's delicious/ and should be considered? Trinkets accepted too. I know I added one of the foldable battery lanterns from Dollar Tree. Obviously I gotta try and downsize being unemployed but......she's had a hell of a year and I'm not good at picking and choosing. I feel like we forgot to include Combos but did include a box or two or Cracker Jack. Bonus points if they sell individual sized or smaller packages as the shipping is $$$ too.


A couple of years ago I did a Christmas one and sent a bunch of Halloween clearance candy from Target, plus the Halloween cereals and fun flavoured candy canes, cotton candy, nerds and pop rocks from Dollar Tree and then filled with non holiday stuff they don't get over there (or is ridiculously over priced) like Funyuns, spicy cheetos, fritos, special flavored m&ms and lucky charms and marshmallows only- Lucky Charms is her favorite. I know I threw in a few different reese's cup options but not sure if there's a list saved somewhere so newer flavors will work.

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2 hours ago, berry1014 said:

What about the little debbie snack cakes? They have some cute festive holidays ones. 


CHRISTMAS TREE CAKES! YES!!! (I might be a bit of a fan... Heh...) 


Not sure if they can get them over there but Andes Peppermint Crunch candies usually have festive candy canes molded on the individually wrapped ones and they hold up pretty darn well, flavor-wise (I ration mine out to myself for a few months lol). 


I'll give this some more thought and let you know if I come up with other good suggestions. 🙂 

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I say Christmas tree cakes and the brownies. Also some of the various Santa themed candies. Not sure if it’s like it is for our exchange student but she had never had Reese peanut butter cups (don’t have in Spain) so you could do the holiday ones of those. We are sending her a bunch for Christmas this year. 

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So many good ideas, keep them coming. Aside from candy corn, and maybe a weird flavor Andes mint package I don't think any of these were included last package. I think I did Twinkies instead of Little Debbie. Hadn't even considered the lipglosses/balms. I've NEVER been to Trader Joe's and my list of things to look at keeps growing. I did see the mini carrot cakes maybe and some fun tortillas on a website recently. Haven't seen the Peppermint Oreos but maybe I can find single serve packets of the Coke release I keep seeing online, I know I sent a FULL package of Halloween ones last time.


She went wild over the flavoured KoolAids 🤣verified the sugar amount was correct AND let me know she needed to go shopping for more as she didn't have enough. 

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