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Reminder: We're always looking for early BF info

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Just a reminder that if you get something in the mail or see something on a Facebook group about something BF related, especially from the more popular stores, feel free to send me a message here on the forum. With all these sales happening all the time, the more advance notice we have, the better.


For example in the next few days it's likely Kohl's will be sending out mailers advertising their BF ad being released and their big early access sale next Friday - we want that kind of stuff posted for everyone to see (and to help our planning for the site).


Same with things like the Bath & Body Works tote bag offer (or whatever they do this year). For smaller stores we really only care about actual BF-week sales - early sale stuff you don't have to bother with but if in doubt let me know and I'll tell you if it's worth sending over.


Thanks :)

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