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Digital Camera

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I am going out of town and I need a digital camera, fast. My other one is nowhere to by found. I either need it from a B & M store or an online store that could get it to me by Friday. It is crucial that it fits in my pocket and I would like the highest quality camera I could get for around $200. I checked Consumer Reports and it seemed like it is already outdated even though it has only been a few months. If anyone can find something viable for me I will send them 100 Gottadeal points. Good picture quality is of high priority and a great zoom would be nice but is not super important.


Staples has a Kodak Easy Share C530 for $139, I am sure I can get a better deal somewhere else but how is that camera?


Also, what about the Powershot (forgot to note the brand name) A430?


Thanks so much!

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Circuit City has the Canon A610 for $210. That is probably the best quality you can get in the $200 range. As said by the others, avoid Kodak, especially in that price range. It may be ok initially, but the image quality won't last very long and you'll soon be looking for something different.



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