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Skype Meetup Group for Black Friday Related Topics


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I would like to start a skype meetup group to discuss Black Friday and all of the various topics that are of the most important nature to us. We can have up to 10 people at a time, as long as they are on a device that supports it. Phones and tablets may experience audio only, so we will have to experiment with those.


Skype will allow you to join late if you need to. We can decide who chats for the hour if more than ten are interested. I would also schedule another meetup in case the desire to talk on the scheduled evening is overwhelming.


We can also discuss how we want to manage the chat, rules to make things run smoothly, and if you want it led or monitored.

We have had some great chats in the past, and by signing up for skype, we can put a face to the great people here and make it even more memorable.


Please respond with your skype information by sending me a message. That way, i can keep your info private, while having you for all future meetups in my profile.


I realize that this is quite a bit different from what Bigjimslade has done, but at the same time, it is not meant as a replacement for his program. If this is successful, perhaps I can do this while camped out at Best Buy to give you live information and stories.

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Since the Money Gods have smiled down upon me, I would be willing to do a Hot Toy preview. The top ten toys requested would make the show. I would even be willing to do a toys for boys one week, and a toys for girls specialty show the next. Having raised five children, and have four grandchildren, it always pays to be up on the latest craze.

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What the hay, I'll join in on this whole Skype thing for Black Friday. Afraid I'm not very proficient when it comes to toys, but if anyone wants to talk tech about electronics or video games I'm game.


Good thing I already have, use, and enjoy Skype! ;)

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