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WOW! Got my HP laptop for $302.40!!!!!

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Ok... here's the deal... I got one of the Walmart HP laptops on Black Friday for $378. Wife works at WM. That day, the store manager said no employee discount on "Blitz items." A week later, they hand out special cards out to employees that "Take an additional 10% off any 1 item." We are pretty much done with our shopping and aren't buying anymore big ticket items, so tonight we asked the CSM on duty if we could use it on something we bought "a couple of weeks ago." He said , "Sure. No Prob. I'll just do a price adjustment for 20%." That's right... he gave us the originally denied 10% AND the additional 10%. $378 - 20% = $302.40!!!!!!!!!! :greenappl:trampolin:gd_pineap:clapping::gd_shake:
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