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Went to Target today for a few things and picked up one of the Hollywood Style Bratz dolls that are going on sale tomorrow for $6.50. When the guy was about to ring up the doll, I asked him if there was any way he could give me the doll now for the sale price, so I wouldn't have to make another trip back to the store to get a price adjustment. He says, "Yeah....I can do that. Just don't tell anybody.;)" It never hurts to ask!:)
That was so nice of him to do that. You should call the manager and tell the manager how nice he was but don't tell what he did. I am sure the manager would like to hear some good news about an employee.

How do you know that they are going on sale tomorrow, is there a place here that has ads for next week already? I have missed it!

We get the newspaper delivered, and sometimes they give us the Sunday sale papers a day or two early so the Sunday paper isn't so thick. (At least that's my theory!)

Guest Deals4Me
Wow...a nice target employee...That would be my christmas gift.
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