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LAYAWAY is not a BF'ers Friend


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Economically challenged is a term used for people that don't understand you have to work for a living! Not that they work their tails off for minimums. Your right it's all about the excitement of the kids when they wake up however you don't know what area I live in and the difference BF was vs. normal business days.


Let me ask you this. Would you be praising me for stuffing 4 xbox 360's in layaway?

I generally don't make it my business to look to see what everyone else is putting on layaway. Who cares what someone puts on layaway and why ? It isn't your business.

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badazzbuyer sounds like a RACIST ASS BUYER


"hood" part of town

"economically challenged"

May God fill with you with HELL for this 'you're beneath me' attitude!


You dont even know what racism is. You know nothing about me. I use the word hood but I guess that must be reserved for whites right? May God fill you with HELL for your moron attitude

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You knowI have a friend who was looking for 4 X boxes and if she could have she would have bought them for her 4 children, Hell I have for children, and sometimes I buy four of the same things for them. I use layaway to pay things off for Christmas as sometimes I do not have the money at that time to buy it all. I was in line at 1:30 am for a lap top and my daughter was in line for the portable DVD players, I guess she got dirty looks when she walked away with 7 of them, and people really must have assumed she hording them, little did they know she had one for me one for my Mother in law who was at Jewlery and 5 for people who were waiting in the lap top line so they wouldnt miss out on that great blitz line.
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Well, I don't know how people WOULDN'T be offended?!?! We aren't exactly rolling in the dough, but we survive. Our kids don't get things all year except their birthday and Christmas. Now, we don't go all out as this year with 3 kids now, we are spending about $75 on each child. We always use layaway on Black Friday as it's hard to get a babysitter for our children, so being as it was that early and they would be sleeping when we went and just waking up when we get home my MIL stayed over night. Now, we don't have a lot of storage in our house, so we have no where to hide their gifts, so Layaway is also great for that. I admit that we don't have the money right now to take it out. We personally put 1100 on layaway with 2 computers which are needed and a digital camera, but we only got one of each item. We have no plans of returning items at all...in fact, if we can't afford the computers when it's time to take them off layaway, we have people who are interested in them, and they WERE at BF with us, but just didn't get them.


If you've ever been on a forum before, you had to have known this was going to start a flaming war - issues like this always do. As far as being economically challenged...I am and ya know what...I'm proud of it :D We don't take things for granted and ya know what else - we went there specifically looking for certain things because our kids want them, not just because.


Judging people usually doesn't get you anywhere in life but a lot of enemies. I agree when people say that you have NO clue what people were doing with these items.


Now, on that note, my hubby is not a member of these boards, but wanted me to pass along a message :giggle:.....

"Assumption is the mother of all F-ups. Do not assume that someone is from the south side of the tracks when they can assume the same thing about you. I assume that you were just upset because of the long lines in the layaway because you were made that you didn't have the $10 to put the Dora TV/DVD set to put them on layaway. That's just what I'm ASSUMING. Don't say stuff about *economically challenged* people when you are one of them too.

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