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YOU CUTTERS ARE BAD!!! My Best Buy "Black Friday" Experience

Guest general41391

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Obviously I was not there, but I do wonder how you can be so certain that these other people were not at another store or something. I realize that they probably just jumped in with their friend, but - since their friend was up ahead of you in line, is it not possible that they all got there early and some went to another store or even back to their cars to stay warm?


I respect that you waited out in line for a long time and that you're mad, but everyone seems to do what they can get away with. To you it's ok that you went to compusa, to those behind you, it might not have been. But I think that one of the buzz words that gets everyone in trouble in these matters is "deserved". Nobody deserves anything - it's the sale of a retail item. Nobody "deserves" to buy it more than anybody else at full price or at sale price. It's too bad that you didn't get it, but unfortunately, life isn't fair.


This is just another reason that I keep repeating that these stores will need to come up with a better, safer (more fair, if possible) system.

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Of all the stories I have heard..I would have simply made life hell for the lady who shoved you in shelves and could care less. I would have called 911 and said I had been assauted...and showed them proof with my bleeding hand and possibly even a few witnesses to testify to this women's outraageous behavior. If you have to behave like that..you deserve, if nothing else to be embarrassed the h*ll of in front of hundreds of your nearest and dearest friends.

OK...that is what I would have WANTED to do.....but I doubt Iwould have..lol

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...inour BB I was shoved into a set of shelves y a woman who growled "get otta my way!"...when I told her she had hut me....(my hand was bleeding) she replied "you should know enough not to get in MY way!"....what a lovely time

I would have honestly punched her in the face. Or better yet, follow her home and scare the living s**t out of her.
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my BF morning.


5:15 about - Dicks Sporting Goods - Great all around.

5:30 ish - Linens & Things. In and out in 5 minutes. AWESOME WORKERS

waited for Staples for 6.....

5:55 Nice and calm but line growing quickly. BTW it was large when we drove by around 5 am


6 bells!! Mad RUSH of cutters from the parked cars. Maybe 50 or so at the first sign of the door opening. Much Yelling pushing and screaming.


6:01 much of the prestocked hot items already gone. ( I was able to get 8 of the 10 items I wanted) I didnt go for high priced items for the most part.


6:30 Circuit city. Huge Lines, orderly got what we wanted.


7:00 Kmart. In and out in 5 minutes.


I read to stay away from WM and BB. and just laughed at the crowds. All I can say is OMG!

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