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If a store is inside the mall, where do you wait in line?


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For KB Toys, it is inside the mall here and they open at 5 AM, but the mall says it doesn't open until 6 AM. So, would the line be outside somewhere at the mall entrance or do they let you wait inside the mall in front of the store?


Does anyone know? I really, really want that Bratz karaoke machine so I have to be there right away!!!! Thanks!

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i screwed this very way a few years ago at a compusa in my local mall.

trust me, the doors to the MALL itself WILL BE OPEN, dont be afraid to go in, stroll past the empty food court, etc. if the you want has two entrances, wait outside the main one and dont expect to get in the easy way by waiting outside some smaller entrance for the employees will not open the door.

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