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Going to WalMart at 2am? Any tips?


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If I decide to head over to walmart for my TV, the sales rep I talked to said I should arrive around 2am.


I thought there were some people last year who discussed a good plan for going for a single item at one store only... I want ONE item, and that item only. I heard that some stores will only let the first 50 people or so in, is this true with WalMart?


Just looking for suggestions... :gd_orange

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Hmm, never heard of them letting only 50 or so people in.


My suggestion, if you're going that early, dress comfortably (and warm, depending on where you are), bring a chair if you dont want to stand for the 3 hours.


Me, personally, I'm bringing a chair in a bag, a book I've been trying to read for a month and never had the time, and a thermos of warm cider.

And I'll be there in less than 24 hours. (I'm going to be at CC though, not WM)

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Bring a fully charged MP3 player, if you have one (or a radio, etc.). This should help prevent depressing boredom. Definitely bring a light, folding chair. Bring a friend to hold your place in line while you take bathroom breaks, and vice versa, if you're not prepared to wet your pants for the sake of a bargain. Bring a couple of light snacks to keep awake. If you'll be outside, maybe even bring a comfy blanket. Yes, you'll look like a dork and have a blanket to lug around, but at least you'll be snug while everyone else is uncomfortably shivering. Consider bringing a backpack to stuff your crap in before they open the doors, so you don't have to worry about it. Bring a thermos of coffee, assuming you've got a friend to hold your place in line for breaks. Caffeine is a diuretic, so you'll be pissing like a race horse if you drink too much. Don't want that to happen.


Don't be afraid to RUN, once you're in the store. Yes, RUN YOUR ASS OFF! Like your life depended on it, to get to the item(s) you want. Grab it quickly, and clutch it for dear life. If you can manage it, quickly get a shopping cart to put it in before running for the stuff. Some have suggested bringing your own carts, etc., (a stroller, perhaps?) if at all possible. Then, once you're sure you've got everything, don't dawdle. Get out as quickly as you got in, so you can avoid another HUGE line of people checking out.


Just remember your mission, to be completed at all costs: get the item(s) as fast as humanly possible, and get out. At any and all costs. You've got to work to secure the hot items. Remember, the person in behind you might be too lazy to dash like a man man to get their TV, but you'll be the winner in the end, just because you pushed yourself harder. That's what it comes down to: show up early, MOVE FAST, fight to get what you want. Good luck.


Oh, on a side note, take measures to avoid pick-pocketers. Word is on the street Black Friday provides them plenty of opportunities to steal and pick pockets. It couldn't hurt to have this base covered, you know.

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The walmart I am going to is a 24 hr. I just called them again to get some more details, talked to a sweetheart named Christina who said I should bring a chair and sit next to the place the TV is going to be. And then at 5am, the TVs will be available for purchase, and it will be a whoever can grab the fastest type of thing. Looks like I'll be bringing my gun.


Don't be afraid to RUN, once you're in the store. Yes, RUN YOUR ASS OFF! Like your life depended on it, to get to the item(s) you want. Grab it quickly, and clutch it for dear life. If you can manage it, quickly get a shopping cart to put it in before running for the stuff. Some have suggested bringing your own carts, etc., (a stroller, perhaps?) if at all possible. Then, once you're sure you've got everything, don't dawdle. Get out as quickly as you got in, so you can avoid another HUGE line of people checking out.

- lol, I like this guy
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Bring a fully charged MP3 player, if you have one (or a radio, etc.). This should help prevent depressing boredom. Definitely bring a light, folding chair. Bring a friend to hold your place in line while you take bathroom breaks, and vice versa, if you're not prepared to wet your pants for the sake of a bargain. Bring a couple of light snacks to keep awake. If you'll be outside, maybe even bring a comfy blanket. Yes, you'll look like a dork and have a blanket to lug around, but at least you'll be snug while everyone else is uncomfortably shivering. Consider bringing a backpack to stuff your crap in before they open the doors, so you don't have to worry about it. Bring a thermos of coffee, assuming you've got a friend to hold your place in line for breaks. Caffeine is a diuretic, so you'll be pissing like a race horse if you drink too much. Don't want that to happen.


Don't be afraid to RUN, once you're in the store. Yes, RUN YOUR ASS OFF! Like your life depended on it, to get to the item(s) you want. Grab it quickly, and clutch it for dear life. If you can manage it, quickly get a shopping cart to put it in before running for the stuff. Some have suggested bringing your own carts, etc., (a stroller, perhaps?) if at all possible. Then, once you're sure you've got everything, don't dawdle. Get out as quickly as you got in, so you can avoid another HUGE line of people checking out.


Just remember your mission, to be completed at all costs: get the item(s) as fast as humanly possible, and get out. At any and all costs. You've got to work to secure the hot items. Remember, the person in behind you might be too lazy to dash like a man man to get their TV, but you'll be the winner in the end, just because you pushed yourself harder. That's what it comes down to: show up early, MOVE FAST, fight to get what you want. Good luck.


Oh, on a side note, take measures to avoid pick-pocketers. Word is on the street Black Friday provides them plenty of opportunities to steal and pick pockets. It couldn't hurt to have this base covered, you know.


LOL HAHA you make my day

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