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Those of you who leave the house 3:00 am or later...


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I shower the night before. Try to get some sleep. Roll out of bed throw on sweats and I'm out the door.


Same here. Usually go back home and go to bed after, so why get all dressed. Plus after standing in line forever, I would look a mess anyway as it gets pretty hot. Better to just throw on a sweat shirt and pants and a T underneath and go. I am there to shop, not model. :D

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I will be wearing a knee length skirt, lace top, 3" heals, make-up, and have my hair done..... :flirt:




But you would be suprised at how many people I have seen all dressed up like they are going to prom or a wedding.... I will just have on jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes and probably hair in a ponytail with just a little makeup....but will have to shower before I leave b/c if I didn't you could fry an egg on my head...my hair is oily if not washed daily....:fryingpan:egg::yuck:



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You know, I was just reading these responses for a laugh, but I'm surprised that none of you seem to do what I do and that is EVERY NIGHT I sleep with my hair in a pony tail....Am I the only one who doesn't like it all over the place (especially in my face ) at night??????


On BF, I will take a NICE HOT BATH for an hour or so the night before, and try to get a couple hours sleep. Thermals for me cos they're predicting cold and windy, but prolly just trainers and jeans. Long Down coat, hat, scarf and gloves too...lol

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You know, I was just reading these responses for a laugh, but I'm surprised that none of you seem to do what I do and that is EVERY NIGHT I sleep with my hair in a pony tail....Am I the only one who doesn't like it all over the place (especially in my face ) at night??????

i'll be doing the same. i'll take a shower, dry my hair & then put it up in a ponytail before bed. i toss & turn at night so i'm much more comfortable with my hair back. nothings worse than waking up with a birds nest on your head. :)

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I take my shower when I get up. It helps me wake up. I have short hair takes me about 5 minutes to fix it. Wont go out without at least foundation on :clapping: ( would be scary otherwise :2afro: ) I will be going to bed around 9ish that night and will get up at 2 am out the door by 3 am and be in best buy line by 330:clapping:
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