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How Busy Will CC be?


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I need more DVD+R discs for movies, but the only place around me that has them on sale on BF for CHEAP is Circuit City. Only $6.99 for a 50 pack no rebate. Now I HAVE to get an item at Walmart first. Do you think any will be there if I stand in line at Walmart first, get my items, then race to Circuit City? Or do ya think Im out of luck? Im praying they go online but I seriously doubt it. What would you do? I don't have anyone to go with me or for me, otherwise I would. Both stores open at 5am
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Welcome back, we missed you :)


CC will be busy but not as busy as BB/Walmart.

Thanks! I was having withdrawals!


I bought CompuUSA brand ones last year and they have worked super for me. I still have around 30 left but want to stock up for this year. Last BF, I bought 4- 50 packs at only $7.99 each and free shipping. Didn't see that deal this year though.

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