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Playstation 1 games? Anyone carry these?


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I hope this isn't a repost. I swear I looked.


Anyway, The games that are on sale at best buy and toysrus, are these for playstation 1? Some I know are for playstation 2, xbox and gba, but then it says over 1500 video and software games will be on sale if I read that right. Anyway, we have a ps1 that we never used and my 3 yr old likes to play the 1 game we have and I was thinking of getting her like a barbie game or something for ps1 if they are on sale. well, if anyone still carries them. Does anyone know if they carry these or who might have those on sale? I scanned the ads a little bit but when i try to enlarge to read the fine print, it looks all pixelated (is that a word? LOL)



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I know this sounds crazy but do you have a Dollar General in your area? Mine has a whole shelf of PS1 games and one of em is a barbie, just seen em the other day, had me wishing I still had my kids PS1.


If ya have a Dollar General Id call and ask.


But yes all the video games stores should have some or atleast previously owned.

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Oh man, I just called dollar general and they said that their store doesn't have them but the store in statesville had them, but she thinks they are sold out because she has been getting a lot of calls about em. I will call that dollar general in the morning. Maybe I'll get lucky. Im going to check out ebgames for sure. They have one in the mall I'll be going to on BF.


Thanks again!

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