Mara Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 wastedwords said: Just an FYI. On ebay several X-Box 360 systems are selling WELL over 1,000 dollars with mutliple bids. Makes me want to go out and buy one to sell on Ebay. Seriously.Yeah mines over $1000 now with 1 1/2 hours to go. Might be a plasma TV christmas this year Mara
auditgirl Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 I was in line at 4:45pm at Best Buy yesterday for the system to go on sale at 8am the next morning. I stayed until about 7pm, then my son took over, I brought him coat, chair, pillow and sleeping bag, brought by Subway around 9 and let him warm up in the car. Went back around 5am with breakfast and hot chocolate and let him nap in the car for about 1.5 hours. He was exhausted, but number 17 in line and the store had 36 systems (and an additional 12 Core) ;-) Both son and hubby very happy!
badboy8813 Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 $2500!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
huseboy Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Looks like we all should have been in that line and used them to barter in the stores on BF. lol
Mara Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 badboy8813 said: $2500!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNI got $1500 for mine and am still in shock. One ending tommorow but they are going for a lot less now. Still a lot more than they cost but I saw one end for $5000 today. WOW Mara
VaderGCP Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Anyone thinking that the PS3 launch will be different or "better" is way off. If anything, the PS3 launch will be worse. It's the most popular system and for once, it might actually be a threat to the XBox in terms of capability. I got to see both systems in May and the PS3 is almost as big as the XBox but more aesthetically pleasing. And so far, the Nintendo Revolution is nothing more than a myth. I'm sure it exists somewhere but until we see some hardware and a demo running people won't go nuts over it yet. This year at E3 I stood in line for 2 hours, thinking it was for a Revolution presentation but about an hour in I discovered that it was a preview for the new Zelda game. We were bummed but we stayed in. And hey, we got to play the new Zelda game :)
fairydustcrissy Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 VaderGCP said: This year at E3 I stood in line for 2 hours, thinking it was for a Revolution presentation but about an hour in I discovered that it was a preview for the new Zelda game. We were bummed but we stayed in. And hey, we got to play the new Zelda game :)You were bummed when you found out? I can understand, I suppose......but still....bummed?
JonathanM Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 I went to check my local CostCo, Fry's and BestBuy, none of them hand the actual system, but Fry's had a pretty large selection of games left, and BestBuy had a few games and lots of accessories available.
snikerfitz Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Those of you that are buying one be careful it was on my news tonight about a woman that waited in line all night to get one and she got it well when she got home she went to check her mail and some people had followed her home from the store put a gun to her head and stole it from her. so just be really careful.
badboy8813 Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 dammmn its tht serious.. i plan on preordering the ps3
Mara Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 snikerfitz said: Those of you that are buying one be careful it was on my news tonight about a woman that waited in line all night to get one and she got it well when she got home she went to check her mail and some people had followed her home from the store put a gun to her head and stole it from her. so just be really careful.I had a EB guy walk me out to my car and I live on an Army base and have to go through a security gate to get home but was still very careful. I will say living on base is nice as far as the feeling of safety with those guys with guns at the gate I know I'll be pre ordering PS3's down the road Mara
fairydustcrissy Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 I know hubby had mall security walking people to cars. Also 2 EB games got robbed at gunpoint. One was in NOLA, and had already been looted during Katrina.
josetann Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 snikerfitz said: Those of you that are buying one be careful it was on my news tonight about a woman that waited in line all night to get one and she got it well when she got home she went to check her mail and some people had followed her home from the store put a gun to her head and stole it from her. so just be really careful.THIS is what's wrong with people today. Nothing wrong with selling them on ebay for tons of $$$, if you didn't want to stand in line since midnight (or earlier, depending where you are), then you pay the big $$$ to get one before Christmas. Same with concert tickets, either you camp out to get a decent seat, or you pay hundreds for a $35 seat (personally, I'd rather sit a few rows back, but oh well). Now robbing someone at gunpoint, THAT's wrong.
fairydustcrissy Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 josetann said: THIS is what's wrong with people today. Nothing wrong with selling them on ebay for tons of $$$, if you didn't want to stand in line since midnight (or earlier, depending where you are), then you pay the big $$$ to get one before Christmas. Same with concert tickets, either you camp out to get a decent seat, or you pay hundreds for a $35 seat (personally, I'd rather sit a few rows back, but oh well). Now robbing someone at gunpoint, THAT's wrong.Actually, there are people that lined up that didnt get one. Not enough. And more than once i have been the 1st person at ticketmaster and still not get tix due to thier stupid lottery.
josetann Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 fairydustcrissy said: Actually, there are people that lined up that didnt get one. Not enough. And more than once i have been the 1st person at ticketmaster and still not get tix due to thier stupid lottery.Where I was at (target), the line formed shortly after midnight. Several people showed up late, around 3AM or so (didn't keep that great of time), and were told that they were probably sold out (rumor was they had 10 premium, 6 core, it ended up being 8 premium and 8 core), but they wanted to stay in line anyways. I don't blame them, but the worse you want/need it, the earlier you need to get in line. At least it was a good practice run for BF. Now we know to get a nice tent, and some gas heaters (the small portable ones for camping) and we'll be set. BTW, never heard of a ticket lottery, what kind of BS is that? The few times they have something we want to see, I just order online. I don't have to be in the front row.
fairydustcrissy Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 the ticket lottery is total BS. They say its to keep people from camping out for tix. um....this country was founded on camping out for concert tix!
DSun Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 Went to Walmart at 3:30 pm yesterday, They said we aren't doing a line...the people around me and myself told them we wouldn't leave to start a line. Well they put us by layaway. At 9:45 th Dept Manager comes in and says, I told you no lines, we will do a lottery...he then announces it on the loud speaker. They had 4 Premium and 10 core and I was 3rd in line before the lottery. I pulled a # in the lottery, no we had to wait til 11:45 to find out who got the premiums. Thank goodness I did. YAY:greenappl .... So I take it home and go line up at Sams Club at 12:30, 6 ahead of me and they had 20 premiums. At 2 am went home and got warmer, went back, still #7. Got another premium @ 7am WOOHOO:gd_pirate . Wonder what I will do with the core that Best Buy shipped it on that Reward Zone email for preffered rewards customers... All in all I got more than I hoped for.
stiltman Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 Just another game system that i would have to pay 50.00 bucks or more for a game i already have too many systems as it is.and i don't have enough time to play them. anybody want to buy some used game systems? LOL
goldcupmom Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 I was one of the crazies. My DS was planning to buy one and I wanted one for other DS. So I got in line at Best Buy at 3 p.m. yesterday. Cottonwood in Albuquerque. They got 36 premium, 12 core. at 3 we were # 12 & 13 in line. At 4 a.m. I went across to Sams & stood in their line. At 6 they came out w/ numbers. They had 19 and will not get any more until at least 12/10 and it looks more like 12/24. Best Buy doubts they will have more before Christmas. DS got his and I ended up buying 1 for DS' friend who got in line late. Most of Sam's 19 went to business men listing them on Ebay. Our local Game Stop had 125 prepaid orders....they received a total of EIGHT systems. People are VERY MAD!!!
crystalhicks Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 tmkuroda said: There was a thread earlier that said that xbox 360 have about 100-1000 depending on which store you shop at. If you want one for yourself then by all means run out and get one now but if your planning to resell it on ebay it won't go for as much as everyone was thinking. I just saw one go for 2200.00 on ebay and some have BIN for 2499.99... that is insane
illusion Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 crystalhicks said: I just saw one go for 2200.00 on ebay and some have BIN for 2499.99... that is insaneMy dad got one last night, its awesome. Especially on HDTV. But its deff not worth 2499.99 That is insane. crazy people cant wait.
Mara Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 Well the ebay market cooled drastically. The number of them on ebay when I listed mine was 2000 its now more like 25,000. I had one end yesterday at $1500 right about the time the market started to cool. The one going today will probably bring in half what yesterday's did. Amazing what some will pay to have it NOW isn't it Mara
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