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Is anyone else getting the message that the website for Staples is unavailable? Sometimes I can get it, but the minute I click on something it goes to either Bad Request (Invalid Hostname) or this website is unavailable please try to reload at a later time???????
lol....I'm not getting that error but just added something to cart then clicked continue to checkout and got a screen saying "cart is empty" sounds like they're overwhelmed. They were one of the easier sites to use last year
see I was able to add to the cart, then when I went to click my cart, that was when I got unavailable. I tried to go back into the website then got the bad request message. I even x'd out totally and tried on a different browser. I use Google Chrome or Firefox, which ever seems to be running faster that day :g_laughin and it wouldn't work on either.......:confused:
I have the Brother Label maker in my cart - and have tried to check out several times - it comes up that they are out of stock on the item. ???? Out of stock already - and it's not even BF? I wonder if it's "out of stock" until friday. :( I would order the same thing from Office Depot - but they require spending $25 before free shipping, and it won't allow me to do in-store pick up. Hmmmmm..... really wishing I had gotten the lightening deal from Amazon earlier.
I wanted to get the fax machine from them with the $50 rebate so I would end up paying only $9.99 for the fax. I gave up trying and purchased it at Office Max without a rebate, but paid $19.99.. oh well. At least I know I will at least be getting it :), and in the long run, I am only paying $10 more. My sister wanted one too, so we ordered together and got free shipping from Office Max :)
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