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So this year will mark the first year I have not sat in the safety of my own house like a recluse shopping online :-)


I've volunteered myself to help my sister and her family get some electronics upgrades, BB has the $800 Samsung 55" LED doorbuster as well as the Samsung laptop combo doorbuster for $350. While our hopes are low that we will actually get these, we will brave the NY cold that will be inevitable that night to stand in line. At least waiting in line won't be a complete waste if I get some online deals while waiting.


I'll be out of my element as I won't even be at my "home" store where I know where everything is, will be down on the island. Not sure if it'll be crazy as people will be replenishing their lost electronics from Sandy or quiet as some people are just this week getting back their power. In the area I'll be in tough there wasn't a lot of outages or damage.


Is there any general rule of thumb for how early you should expect to head out to get in line? We don't have to be the first ones there, but at least want to have a fighting chance at getting some tickets for some doorbusters. I was thinking we might be ok if we aim for 8pm for the midnight opening, or is this way too late?


Myself, I'm looking forward to getting the Sony NEX5R bundle + tele lens deal which isn't a doorbuster but BB is the only one to have this on sale. Due to having a BB card I want the points and financing as I know this camera can be had right now for about the same price on Amazon or BuyDig, but I do use BB a lot and points go a long way as I end up getting extra points for using my card + being silver status. All these purchases (if we get em) will also push me to another year of silver as well, so a few birds with one stone!

Most doorbuster at BB are given to the first people in line. Getting there 8pm for a midnight opening you are going to be way down towards the back. Last year I was out from Wednesday night at a BB that usually does not allow campers until Thursday. My local BB people were lined up from Monday nite in tents.
I know here (in Ohio) I wouldn't be surprised if people start camping out this weekend for the door busters. I went a couple years ago and we got in line at 1030 PM for the 5AM opening and were were about 125th in line. The people at the front of the line were mostly college kids and they took the tickets that were handed out. If they didn't want/need them, they then walked the line selling the tickets to people further back in line. And they took every single item offered whether they wanted it or not just so they could sell it. It can be really hard to get those items sometimes. Wish you the best of luck.

I guess my only hopes are the fact that within a small radius there are a lot of BB's in Long Island, may help to spread people out a little more..... Now I'm wondering if I should go earlier and my brother in-law can join later (or is this considered line jumping?).


It's disheartening to hear that people just grab up whatever tickets they can and sell them, there is no policy against this? To take tickets that they were just handed and screw over others is sad. I say if they get out of line to sell tickets then they should have all their tickets confiscated and asked to leave the grounds.

Our BB will remove you from the line if you are caught selling tickets. They have been pretty good in the past few years policing the line once the tickets are handed out and they have the local police there to back them up. It's crazy.
Hopefully this policy will be enforced company wide, it's really scamming people by getting a ticket handed to you one minute then turning right around and asking cash for it. I think the BB people would easily be able to catch on since they would all run out of tickets for everything pretty quickly, leaving a lot of disgruntled people standing in line right behind those schemers. I wouldn't want a mob of a couple hundred people behind me pissed off :-)

Last year I got in line at 6pm for the following 5am opening and was 18th in line. This was in a town of 30,000 people with the next closest BB being 35 miles away. Now the ad this year is not as good as last years but it all depends on the ad and the next closest store to the one you are at.


GoodLuck to ya :)

The selling tickets is horrible. And they did it right in front of the police and BB employees. They both said there was nothing they could do about it. That was the last time I stood in the BB line. I hope it's changed since then.

I really would be up for getting in line early, but my wife and family would probably say otherwise about me missing Thanksgiving "lunch" (we always eat early) lol, but it is true that this year's ad doesn't have as much "wow" factor, hopefully people will be attracted to other stores such as Walmart. But it is a little comforting to know that there are a lot of stores in the area I'll be in (where I live we only have 2 for a lot more than 35,000 ppl lol).


The BB doorbuster policy on their site looks like it was modified since previous years, hopefully they will be more strict with those that aren't there to buy the items for themselves.


Thanks all for your replies! Now I just wish the stupid BB android app wasn't a POS so I can browse easier while waiting in line next week :-) Always have to revert to their mobile site.....

  • 2 weeks later...
  avguydan said:

So this year will mark the first year I have not sat in the safety of my own house like a recluse shopping online :-)


I've volunteered myself to help my sister and her family get some electronics upgrades, BB has the $800 Samsung 55" LED doorbuster as well as the Samsung laptop combo doorbuster for $350. While our hopes are low that we will actually get these, we will brave the NY cold that will be inevitable that night to stand in line. At least waiting in line won't be a complete waste if I get some online deals while waiting.


I'll be out of my element as I won't even be at my "home" store where I know where everything is, will be down on the island. Not sure if it'll be crazy as people will be replenishing their lost electronics from Sandy or quiet as some people are just this week getting back their power. In the area I'll be in tough there wasn't a lot of outages or damage.


Is there any general rule of thumb for how early you should expect to head out to get in line? We don't have to be the first ones there, but at least want to have a fighting chance at getting some tickets for some doorbusters. I was thinking we might be ok if we aim for 8pm for the midnight opening, or is this way too late?


Myself, I'm looking forward to getting the Sony NEX5R bundle + tele lens deal which isn't a doorbuster but BB is the only one to have this on sale. Due to having a BB card I want the points and financing as I know this camera can be had right now for about the same price on Amazon or BuyDig, but I do use BB a lot and points go a long way as I end up getting extra points for using my card + being silver status. All these purchases (if we get em) will also push me to another year of silver as well, so a few birds with one stone!

Where in NY? I know it's a bit late now but I was on my annual urban camping trip at the local mall, lol. If you're in NY any within 100 miles of me it could be well worth the effort to join a veteran. I now hold the record for longest consecutive years being first in line at my local Best Buy.

  TazErase said:

Where in NY? I know it's a bit late now but I was on my annual urban camping trip at the local mall, lol. If you're in NY any within 100 miles of me it could be well worth the effort to join a veteran. I now hold the record for longest consecutive years being first in line at my local Best Buy.

oh.. and 8pm for a midnight opening??? The only thing to make it that far was the Asus laptop that came in green, pink, or white...The store had so many available at that price that it was the only doorbuster to make it down the line... They were practically begging people to take the tickets for it, lol.

  racerfan said:

Most doorbuster at BB are given to the first people in line. Getting there 8pm for a midnight opening you are going to be way down towards the back. Last year I was out from Wednesday night at a BB that usually does not allow campers until Thursday. My local BB people were lined up from Monday nite in tents.

Yup, not a lot of competition over here Racerfan. I was worried that someone would try to beat our times from last year and got there Tuesday night. Sat for 23 hours by myself, then another 15 hours with George (the second in line from last year) and his mom before the 3rd person arrived, lol. In fact they liked my setup so much they went out and bought a propane heater as well this year. They allowed tents finally, and sitting in the tent with the heater on low was warm enough to take my jacket off and go to sleep even in 29 degree weather.

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