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Question on walmarts that are open 24 hours?

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Are they closed thanksgiving or can we go into walmarts early on the black friday am?

Hi. Welcome to gottadeal. The nicest Black Friday site on the internet. This question has been asked several times and the answer is always the same....call your local Walmart because it differs from store to store. If you have anymore of these type ?'s there is a sticky thread at the top w/ Black Friday FAQ's. Also you can try the search button on the right. If you still don't find the answer feel free to post and I am sure someone will be able to help.


Our Walmart is open 24hrs. And also only close on Christmas. You can go in and walk around before the ad starts. But ours usually has the major items roped off, (ex: the $398 computers). We just got out Black Friday ad from Walmart. And the special items are from 5am-11am. And thats a hour earlier than usual as well. The specials usually run from 6am-11am. Gee can you tell I worked for the Company for 3yrs? Hope this helps.

Guest mldepalma
I was visiting my parents and went into a 24-hour Walmart in GA (2 years ago) about 30 minutes before the doorbusters were supposed to start. The specials were roped off and covered in plastic and there was already a huge crowd around them. At exactly 6:00am a huge bullhorn sounded and the employees opened the specials to the customers. There was practically a riot inside the store. It was insane. But at least I was warm. Good luck!
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