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Kmart Thanksgiving Day and 3-Day Sale Ad Posted

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This was my response from Kmart.

that's despicable...that's the old I hear you but haven't paid any attention to what you're telling me and/or don't care enough to respond directly to your issue.


This was my response from Kmart.


Thank you for contacting Kmart.com! We are sorry to hear about your

experience during our Doorbuster promotion at your local Kmart.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the Thanksgiving Day and Black

Friday weekend sales, we are not able to guarantee customers product

availability on limited quantity promotional items.


We understand your time is valuable! Your feedback is greatly

appreciated and allows us to incorporate into future events to ensure

you have a better experience the next time you shop with us.


Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. We hope that

you will continue to make Kmart your choice for future purchases

throughout the holiday season.


We thank you for choosing Sears and appreciate the opportunity to assist

you. We look forward to seeing you in our Sears store soon.



Monica W.

Sears Holdings Corporation

That is the same response I got from them. I replied and asked them to reread my issue. It was not just the quantity issue but the fact the item was not even in store at all. Not to include the other issues also. I will not be letting this one go. I demand answers and a resolution on this.


That is the same response I got from them. I replied and asked them to reread my issue. It was not just the quantity issue but the fact the item was not even in store at all. Not to include the other issues also. I will not be letting this one go. I demand answers and a resolution on this.

I Responded too that maybe they didn't read my email the right way. Because that wasn't even my biggest issue with them.


That is the same response I got from them. I replied and asked them to reread my issue. It was not just the quantity issue but the fact the item was not even in store at all. Not to include the other issues also. I will not be letting this one go. I demand answers and a resolution on this.

for sears I have learned that scathing tweets help bring attention to the matter. try @sears and @searscares


got my order today for the Brave and Tinkerbell blu-ray deal they had online for $8.


that makes me happy, i was worried

hallelujah, after the comment on post I was worried and the shipping delay didn't help. I was super worried I'd get something totally wrong or dvd only but shipping said would be received today.


It was also the only kmart order I couldn't track online.


hallelujah, after the comment on post I was worried and the shipping delay didn't help. I was super worried I'd get something totally wrong or dvd only but shipping said would be received today.


It was also the only kmart order I couldn't track online.

I had my mind set, if i got the wrong thing i was gonna take it to the store and make them make it good.


glad it was what we ordered.


ya i couldnt track mine either, tracking info they gave me said wouldnt be delivered till 12/5 go figure


I had my mind set, if i got the wrong thing i was gonna take it to the store and make them make it good.

I'd have tried but with my experiences at Sears and site to store through Kmart I was kind of dreading the whole thing. I was also feeling kinda crummy in case I screwed anyone's chances of getting a good sale price if it all went wrong and they played the "pricing error" card.


Mine are still missing but I'll return the Brave I got from Amazon anyhow, I can live without it if worse comes to worse.


I went to KMart today to see if they had any of the Password Journals in and,sure enough,they did.

Armed with my lame raincheck,my BF order slip and email confirmation,I expected to do battle but the cashier ran it through with no problems! I thought she would balk because it rang up at $24.99 and the raincheck price was $14.99.

PLUS,they gave me $3 SYWR (they occasionally will email and tell me I have "x amount of additional SYWR").

So I got the PJ for $11.99 today!

I know this is a hit-or-miss product,but DD8 has wanted one forever and she will be getting one for less than half-price.

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