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I had this idea to keep my place in line BF....


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I'm wondering if it'd be well received or not. I used this idea once for Lord of the Ring tickets, it worked so-so, but I think it'd work better this time. My main concern is how would others respond to it. Would they get mad that I'm "cheating", or would they find it amusing, or not care at all?


Ok, here's my idea. Instead of having another person stand in line for you, how about a robot? I mean robots are taking over peoples jobs everywhere else, so why not as line-holders? I have two that would do the trick, they'd have long enough range to pick up in the car as long as we were parked right up front (didn't work great at the movies, but there were a lot of cars there already for earlier showings, plus I have a newer robot that would pick up even better than the first). So basically let them freeze their electronic butts off while me and my wife sit in the nice toasty warm car sipping hot chocolate. The newer one has a spiffy remote with a monitor and speakers so I can see/hear what's going on (in the robot's point of view, of course I won't go so far that I wouldn't be able to see it at all) and could probably have a bit of fun, the other is an 80's model with a tape cassette in its chest, I doubt I'll use that though. If anyone's interested, the first is a Sharper Image Roboscout, the second is an Omnibot 2000 (I'm thinking of just leaving the older one at home, it's been through a lot already).


At least it'd be better than the empty chairs others use.

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If you value those robots, I wouldn't try it. What if some hoodlums decided to trash it and take off? What's to stop people from just ignoring it and walking past? People will shove their way through crowds of people. Why would a robot standing in line be any hindrance?


It's not like people are going to think, "Uh oh.. . I'd better not cut in front of this robot standing in line." No. They'll more likely be thinking, "Screw this stupid robot, I'm passing it." People are reduced to savage beasts when it comes to bargain shopping. Or, there is always the chance that some otherwise well-meaning person might accidently knock it over. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me... just go stand in line like the rest of us, or at least take turns with a friend or relative to hold places in line.

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I had thought of the possibility of someone being malicious; if need-be, I can record what the one robot sees, but I doubt that'd be a problem. Also I should have gone more in detail with what I was planning. I would be standing in line for at least part of the time, say an hour or two before the doors open. This would just be used for the "crazy" hours, say 10PM the night before until 3AM or whatever.


I think this has great potential to be loads of fun, but I don't want anyone getting really mad (a few grumbles would be ok, they'd probably be more upset that they didn't think of it than anything else). Perhaps if the robot was giving out free hot cocoa, would that help warm people up to the idea?


Yeah, I know something might happen to them, but I hate passing up the chance to have fun with one of my toys just because I want to play it safe. Heck, if something did happen, it'd just help us to remember all the fun (the omnibot no longer makes the beeping sounds it once did because my brother loved it so much he'd play with it until the battery was so dead it wouldn't even move, thus frying something in it somewhere...anytime I think of it not working 100% I remember all the fun he had).


So, what do you think about it being in line for part of the time, but one (or both) of us taking our place in line sometime before the nice quaint small line turns into a huge angry mob?

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Can you talk through your robot?


If not, I'd be a smarta** and ask it "If you want to let me cut in front don't say anything." After it didnt say anything I'd step in front of it. Or if I was close enough to where it wouldnt bother me I'd put a G.I. Joe in front of it.


I mean, he HAS to let him cut, right? They're both from the toy world. Not like us fleshy humans.

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Can you talk through your robot?


If not, I'd be a smarta** and ask it "If you want to let me cut in front don't say anything." After it didnt say anything I'd step in front of it. Or if I was close enough to where it wouldnt bother me I'd put a G.I. Joe in front of it.


I mean, he HAS to let him cut, right? They're both from the toy world. Not like us fleshy humans.

lol :D


"The GI Joe was here first darnit!" ;)

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Can you talk through your robot?


If not, I'd be a smarta** and ask it "If you want to let me cut in front don't say anything." After it didnt say anything I'd step in front of it. Or if I was close enough to where it wouldnt bother me I'd put a G.I. Joe in front of it.


I mean, he HAS to let him cut, right? They're both from the toy world. Not like us fleshy humans.

Yes, I can talk through both, but can only see/hear through the newer one. And I could just have it run right over your G.I. Joe.


The Omnibot has been out in public before, keeping our place in line for the movies once, and dressed up for Christmas as seen here: www.thetechguide.com/omnibot2000/christmascumberland.html. The RoboScout (which we have nicknamed Johnny, as in Johnny Five, also known as Number Five, star of Short Circuit) has made an appearance at a Middle School (mom's a teacher), but that's about it so far.

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Maybe I can take my friend's RoboSapien and have it give it a hug.


Or should I say, RoboHugs.



So, if you line up behind it....does the robot also get a big-item ticket?

Only problem with that, is neither one has a credit/debit card. And nowhere to put a wallet. Actually, the Omnibot does have a drawer in back....

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What a great idea! We have one of those life sized barbies (to a 3 yr old it's life sized), it's about 3 ft. tall. I think I'll let her hold my place in line.:insane:


ROTFLMFAO!........If I get to sears and there is a robot in front of me I will not hesitate to use force if necessary to get it out of my way.:g_thumble

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I bring a foldable chair with me every year. Just leave the chiar if you want to go somewhere. I dont even wait in line 1/2 the time I go drive around or even go home for a little bit, last year I even fell asleep in my car for an hour. Nobody has done it yet but if ANYONE would even touch my chair a would create them a new hole.
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i don't know about the robot one but i was thinking of taking my dw 3' stuffed easter bunny with us and when she needed to go potty or get warm i will put the rabbit in her chair with a note "some bunny is sitting here" lol



of course i will not move from my spot and that is my final answer!

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