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We usually do a mid afternoon meal (1-2pm ish) but in 2010/2011 I worked and was a manager so I had to work 9-4 so we ate like 5ish. This year we will be back to eating around 1-2pm.
We eat around 4 or 5 pm. We do this because BIL gets his son around that time. But, for the past few years his son has not even come, so I may see if everyone wants to up it by an hour or two. It will depend on what is on sale BF as to when I will go. Last year, we got there around 7 pm and there were a few people in line, but they still had plenty of places left. Most didn't get in line until an hour or two before the item went on sale. We also live in a small town.
Whatever time the country club is serving this year :P Grandma is sick to travel or host, my mom is on a cruise and Dh's dad will be in Houston and I am THRILLED that I don't have to host a darn soul or dirty my kitchen :D It will be the most Thankful Thanksgiving I've had in years!

Im actually not sure what I am doing for Thanksgiving this year. Still undecided. Didn't have it last year. My father died suddenly 3 days before Thanksgiving. Wasn't sick. Sleeping. Blood clot formed and killed him instantly.


This year will be the one year anniversary of his death and its still too hard to think about Thanksgiving dinner. My mom is a wreck already. Sooo Im trying to think about my family, but at the same time its hard to "get into the spirit"

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