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When does CC usually open on BF and are they as bad as BB and Wall-Mart?


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I'll be in line at 11am Thursday night, I am so excited.


How do they do their BF? Tickets, Pallets, Departments, Randomly placed in the store?

First I am hoping that you mean 11pm...lol. Second I know they have a line just like BB. Try doing a search on last years forum for CC and you will probably find some good and some bad stories.
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I did mean 11pm...




I looked in last years and there isn't much at all on CC.


My main question for those who know is when do they open and how do they organize their store?


Do they give tickets or just open doors and people run around like Wall-Mart or is it more organized and you go to the department you wish to purchase items from?

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CC is usually our first stop, so...


Usually about 30 minutes before the store opens they will bring out a map of the store, and will have the big items (the ones that are gonna be the most popular) marked. And they will put items in weird spots, however, you've got the map to mark out you're strategy. There are no tickets or anything like that. Once they open the doors, it's a free-for-all!! My group will usually split up (since the items we want are spread all over the store) and one person will take one item. We will know how many we all want of that item and the person assigned to that item will grab that many.

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i went to CC last year and they did come out with tickets just like best buy does. i went to the morse road location in columbus ohio. also my brother is a manager in the roadshop at CC, and he told me that they will be giving out tickets again this year at his location
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In St Louis, we aren't lucky to get a map. And they do put things in teh weirdest places! Andthe lines are ridiculous. We generally get there about 2 hours b4 store opening and are in the first 5 people. They do give us tickets though. And for the ticketed items you just go to a register up fromt and pay. You don't have to run through the store for those. That works out great. AND we get donuts, juice and sometimes biscuits. ummm......
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The Circuit City I go to in Greenfield Wisconsin is right across the street from Best Buy. The past few years there would be a REALLY small line (10 or so people) at Circuit City 2hrs before they open, an hour before they would open it would be like 50 people or more. After Id get out of Best Buy and do a suicide run across the busy street Circuity City would be packed all the good donuts were gone (Except plain), and the coffee was cold.


Deal wise, I would be able to pickup one or two of the dvds or video games I'd want.


This may change for me now as Circuit City has gotten my attention this year on the better deals.


My suggestion is if u want something Big or think its going to go fast, get there as early as possible! 11p.m. around here you would be first in line, and that sounds like a great strategy to me.




4year B/F shopper and the tradition grows!

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