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Any deals on Leapster or V-smile?


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I took a look at all the ads up so far but skimmed through most of them. I am thinking about a handheld v-smile or leapster for my son and daughter (6 and 3.5).


Does anyone know where they are going to have the best deal on one of these?


Also does anyone have one or the other and which one would you recommend? I see the leapster is cheaper than the v-smile but the leapster cartridges are more expensive by about $5.



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Guest Deals4Me

I plan on getting the vsmile for my son...who just turned 3 last month...

the games are 14.77 at targer bf

I want the system cheaper than 50, I dont plan on buying the pocket one though.

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Thanks for your post Deals4Me- I guess I should clarify, I am looking to buy the v-smile Pocket or the Leapster- both similar looking handheld systems. We already have a gamecube so I don't need another one that is connected to the t.v. I want to buy 2 of them, exactly alike to avoid the inevitable fights. They can then share the games but their interests are so different (one very girly girl and one very boyish boy) that they probably won't like the same games anyway. My 3 yr. daughter already is starting beginning reading so pretty advanced that way but am a little worried about her being a little too rough with the stylus part of the leapster.
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here I am seeing the v-smile pocket games for $24.99 each at Target which makes them $5 more than the leapster games that are $19.99 each. Maybe the regular v-smile that connects to the t.v. only has cheaper games than the pocket one, or are they interchangeable?
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I saw some reviews on amazon that said people were having trouble with the regular v-smile games working in the new v-smile pockets. Most if not all the games I see say just v-smile so I am wondering if this would be an issue.


Anyone have problems with the stylus pen on the leapster?


Do you think the leapster will go lower than $49.99 on black friday?

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My son got the V-smile last year for christmas and we are happy with it for the money we spent. I personally think the leapster's picture quality is much better than v-smile (I don't know about the v-smile pocket though). In all honesty if you want to get them the same thing I would go with the Leapster L-Max, it's 79.99 at target. Yes more money but they can also use it to learn how to write letters and everything they write will show up on a tv. It's like two in one-Portable, but can be hooked up at home to a tv.
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thanks! I think the opinion everywhere is that the leapster and l-max are better than the v-smile products. I wanted to get the pink leapster for my daughter but according to the amazon reviews it doesn't come with as many built in games so maybe I will just get the regular ones for both.


Any deals to be had on the leapster games. They seem to be $24.99 everywhere!

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You won't regret getting the leapster. They are AWSOME! My girls (4 and 6) each have one and they're definatly a favorite toy. I do wish we had the Lmax because they like to play together (one playing and other other cheering her sis on :wub: ) but since we already have 2 of the old style we'll just stick with what we have.
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