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How do you know what time each place opens? plus other q's I am so cluelesss!!!

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I am so overwhelmed and just started planning!!!! How do you know when each place opens? Is there somewhere that says? Also how do you know what other stores will be posted? This is my first year shopping on black Friday so I dont know all the stores that have sales. And is anyone looking to shop for a baby boy thats almost 2? Are there any good sales for things like for that age? I saw mostly for older kids and adults? thanks so much all!



If you take a second a read the forum or do a search you will find that many of these ?'s have been answered. At the top of this board is a sticky section where you will find many answers and also the ads and their scans. HTH.
There is some great info on this site for your questions. Hours vary by store. Which stores are you wondering about? Maybe I can help. Also what area are you in?? That helps, too.
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