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Need advice on MP3 player for preteen


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I need some help. My 11 yo son asked for an Ipod...which I laughed at....but I am willing to get him a reasonable MP3 player. My only problem is I don't know anything about them...I don't want to go real expensive, and was wondering if anybody here has any good info on some that are in the BF ads??? Any info appreciated.
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My 11 yr old dd asked for an ipod too ! So I'd like some info as well. I'm not 100% opposed to getting her the ipod, she has absolutely nothing else on her list except ipod & clothes, so since I still have to santa shop for her younger sibs, the ipod/mp3 will be her gift from the big guy....but i know nothing about any of them either!
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My 12 yr old daughter has been pestering my dh for his MP3 player that he only rarely uses, so Im going to get her one for Christmas...but...being that Im not even sure how much she will use it, or that it will last, since she breaks or loses everything that she gets anwyay, Im going to get her the $19.99 after rebate one from Sears as long as they have them by the time I get there. I figured that I can get her a cheap one this year and if she takes care of it and uses it, then next year, I might upgrade her to an Ipod or something larger.


Oh, I wanted to add as well that unless you are going to pay for ALOT of songs or run the risk of your child downloading alot and getting in trouble for doing so, 256MB or 512MB should be plenty. IMHO, there is no reason a young child or pre-teen needs a 10-20GB MP3 player.

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