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So I just found out that my BIL and his wife and daughter are going to be staying at our house over Christmas. I am completely stressing out over this! I don't really like the idea of other people invading on our Christmas morning. I know that sounds horrible, but I just feel like it is a time me and DH and the kids should have together. Besides, we tend to go a little overboard with the amount of gifts we give our kids, and I know they got their daughter way less. I am afraid she will be upset when my kids have so much more than she does on Christmas morning. And then how will we explain that Santa brought my kids more?? My oldest doesn't believe anymore but my DS 4 certainly does and I think my niece does too. Plus, on Christmas eve my mom's family comes to our house and they wouldn't be very happy if BIL and family were here. I want to ask them if they could stay somewhere else at least for 1 night, but DH says I can't because that would be rude. Need some advice please!
So they're coming uninvited? They're the rude ones if that's the case. If its in your budget, put them up in a hotel. If its not send them a list of nearby hotels & tell them you have other company coming that morning but you.'d be happy to see them later in the day.

It is not bad to feel that way! Tell them you and your family have some plans and "things to do" that won't allow them to stay over but you can still see them at some point during the day on Christmas, they just can't sleep over.


And it's not really lying, you do have things to do - celebrate Christmas comfortably in your own home. lol


But it sounds like you'll have to talk your husband into this as well.

I know ya feel. You have one set of plans and just want to celebrate the holiday with your immediate family your way, yet people want to come and kind of impede on that.


You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable in your own home - on Christmas of all days!

just go with the flow. buy a few gifts for the kid.i dont think its worth getting mad about and stressing and maybe even upsetting your household after the holidays as well. hide a couple good gifts for your kids and after they leave say hey look what i found santa must have left these on the roof. plus if you go with the flow you will have a good memory at least instead of having a bad memory of it all
I agree with dealluvr - go with the flow and try to have a good time. They are family and family is what is important during the holidays! Don't let the un-evenness of gifts bother you, nothing you can do about that unless you want to buy gifts for your niece. You don't seem to mind your family invading on christmas, your husband's family should be allowed too. Go with the flow and it will be fine!
They don't have the money to stay in a hotel and we can't afford to put them up in one. I would gladly buy my neice some more gifts I could afford to! It has taken me months of saving and bargain/clearance shopping to get my kids the gifts they are getting. We are in the worst financial situation of our entire family. We will see them plenty while they are in town because they are actually getting here a few days before Christmas and staying a few days after. I really don't mind them staying here the rest of the time but I would think it would be better for them as well as us if the just stayed somewhere else for 1 night! I mean, my MIL lives right around the corner, literally!
I agree with dealluvr too. Don't lose sight of what the holidays are truly about - family and friends; not presents. Sometimes we get too caught up in the number of presents we give and receive. I wish we had a large family to visit for the holidays, but we don't. Enjoy what you have. The more the merrier.
we are always alone during the holidays and even if my only sibling were to visit with her brood i would gladly accept the whole mess for a few days just to be with family
We have plenty of family around to spend Christmas with, over the 2 days of Christmas eve and day we have to go to 5 different stops of family. Maybe that is why spending Christmas morning with just us and the kids is so important to me. I know it is not about the presents, that was just one of my issues with the whole thing.
I understand what you're saying. I like having just our family on Christmas morning. I would probably ask them to stay somewhere else for just one night...especially if there are other family members that they can stay with. I love spending time with extended family, and we do plenty of that. We have our own traditions and time together on Christmas morning though. Did you husband volunteer your house for them to stay at or something? That would make the situation a little harder!
That is a hard one, but if your DH wants his family there and is not bothered by them being there Christmas morning then I think you need to go along. I think it would cause hard feelings if you asked them to stay somewhere else 1 night. It would be nice if they offered to go to your MIL's house while you have your family over, so maybe your DH could ask (or at least hint to) them to be scarce for a few hours. Is your SIL someone you can talk to about the fear of the kids questioning Santa? That way she can decide if she should buy her DD a few more things or not. I am sure your Christmas with your kids will still be wonderful, because you love them!!
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