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Meijer Black Friday (and Saturday) Sale Ad Posted

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4am? Seriously? (OK, at least it's still a decent hour...)

I didn't even notice when the sale started!


I think this'll work out fine with the other stores' openings.

I can't be everywhere at once lol.


Saw a couple things I'm interested in, but won't be able to make it to the actual store on BF... Does anyone know if these 2 items will be available online or if I might be able to price-match them somewhere (or maybe even find a comparable deal pre-BF)? TIA!!


--Life Smart Infrared Quartz Heater- $79.99 (page 13)

--iLive App-Enhanced Speaker with Dock for the iPad or iPhone- $29 (page 32)

I like it.. fits nicely into my plan. Most of what I want to pick up will be on Thanksgiving :) Now I just need to nail down my plan and I'll be good to go :)
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