flyjar Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 Don't know right now. And love it. I'm usually up until around 1am anyway, this way I can get a jump start and beat some crowds then head home to sleep before the madness at 5/6am.
bribri25 Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 I like having some midnight openings so the times are not all at 5 or 6. However if more and more are going to open at midnight that's going to make it much more difficult to get all my deals. I went to 9the different stores from 11pm til 9am last year and even though I struggle to make ir through the rest of the day, it was all worth it.
ObiRich Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 arci122 said: I understand your point of view, but do you watch TV, use the phone, electricity on Thanksgiving, someone has to give up their day to work for them as well. I am in Healthcare, hospitals have to stay open too.I spent 24 years in the Air Force, 18 1/2 of them in a "mission essential" position (read that 24/7/365). There's a world of difference between essential and non-essential services. Hospitals, fire, police, utilities, etc. are essential; shopping for bargains (contrary to popular belief) isn't.
otonoh Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 The bad thing is that people will line up even earlier. Spoil the holiday. It is a shame, I guess you have to decide if the discount is worth it.
bugsette Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 I feel so bad fro the people that work retail
Buckeye Shopper Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 I was just commenting about this in another post. I personally hate the early openings. I wish they would go back to 5 or 6 in the morning. I don't know how much shopping I will be doing on bf, it will have to be one heck of a deal to get me out that early. I think I'd rather sit at home in my pj's and shop online.
mommy2twingles Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 I like it. Like someone else I have a hard time getting up when I have only be sleeping for 3-4 hours. I would rather be up all night shopping grab some breakfast and come home, take a nap and then head out again.
gypsy2 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 As a retail worker not crazy about them at all. Yes there are other occupations that usually are paid more than an hourly rate for working on holidays, we do not. Also usually a shift in retail for managers are over 12 hours, having to deal with mobs of people looking for items.
bugsette Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I agree..... if reatil people got paid over time double time that would be sorta ok but they give up so much and get so little......
IDmom262 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I don't know what company you work for, but when I worked retail, we were always paid either time and a half or double time depending on the holiday. When I was a manager, that was a different story because I was salaried, but we were offered comp time (sometimes). Also, as much as we want to think bf is a holiday, technically it is not. Whether it starts at midnight for employees or 5 am, it is not considered a holiday. I don't know if I like the midnight start times, I will have to see the ads first. gypsy2 said: As a retail worker not crazy about them at all. Yes there are other occupations that usually are paid more than an hourly rate for working on holidays, we do not. Also usually a shift in retail for managers are over 12 hours, having to deal with mobs of people looking for items.
mombbsmj Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I HATE midnight openings. Like someone said in a previous post it ruins our whole tradition we have had for many years with getting up, shopping, eating breakfast, shopping, eating lunch, more shopping and going home for a nap. It was awesome. Also, in the morning I love having some staggered hours so you had a chance to getting to more than one store "first". Also, I can't handle being up all night without either feeling sick or getting a migraine. So midnight openings suck the fun out of it. I might stay home this year and do it all online. And I have been going out for over 25 years.
gypsy2 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Yes there is comp time for the long hours and 6 days a week schedules, however nothing for ending my family time early. Yes it is my job however I feel there needs to be some balance. I enjoy shopping and geting the best deal for my dollar but I feel if people are pushed to be at work at crazy hours only makes for associates not so happy to give good customer service.
nef Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I had an issue with the midnight @ Walmart. I can understand if you want the really hot stuff you need to be in line way before Midnight, but my problem was that I got there around 11:00 and people's carts were already full with stuff and they were just waiting to get in line. The dvds, video games, kids clothes etc. were already picked over. If the sale doesn't start until Midnight then they shouldn't unwrap the pallets until Midnight! Also if you really want more than 1 really HOT item you better have someone with you because you have to be able to get in multiple lines for those items. There was also about a hour gap, during the night where we just sat in the car waiting for the next store that we wanted to open. When they all opened at the same time you just kept moving from one store to the next.
arci122 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I look at BF as 'The Thrill of the Hunt' and family bonding time....If they made it too easy, it would not be as much fun. Part of the fun of the whole day is not only getting the bargains, but planning, conquering, and feeling accomplished! I look at all the different open times as a challenge. We try to divide and conquer and prioritize what things we 'have to have' verses 'what would be nice to get'.
Crazy Mama Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Last year I found the same thing, we got there around 11pm and everything that wasn't wrapped up was in people's carts at Walmart. SO I guess that just means 10pm and know what happens and expect it. I'd rather go back to 5am everywhere. Less staggering seems to mean you pick the most important not "oh walmart at 12, Target at 3, K-Mart at 5, Radio Shack at 6, etc)
aeraen Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 arci122 said: I understand your point of view, but do you watch TV, use the phone, electricity on Thanksgiving, someone has to give up their day to work for them as well. I am in Healthcare, hospitals have to stay open too. ObiRich said: I spent 24 years in the Air Force, 18 1/2 of them in a "mission essential" position (read that 24/7/365). There's a world of difference between essential and non-essential services. Hospitals, fire, police, utilities, etc. are essential; shopping for bargains (contrary to popular belief) isn't.Thank you, ObiRich, you said it better than I would have. I actually thought MORE people would burn me for heresy than actually did. I've worked my share of holidays, too (airline). I was willing to give up my Thanksgiving so a family could get to Grandma's in time to take the turkey out of the oven, but wouldn't be so thrilled to give up a family holiday w/ my kids just so Mrs. Walton could rake in a few spare million bucks.
Scanner420 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I would lean towards the "Not" category. I like my Thanksgiving day and spending time with my family. Why would I cut out that family time so that I can line up on a Holiday in order to save a few bucks. I've found out you can score the same deals online, as well as, waiting patiently. The stores panic if they still have merchandise on the shelves two weeks before Christmas and drop prices!!
zoemariesmamma Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I hate it! I am considering going this year though, because I really want the bag. What are the chances of them having it online around 3 am?
Buckeye Shopper Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 zoemariesmamma said: I hate it! I am considering going this year though, because I really want the bag. What are the chances of them having it online around 3 am?What bag?
howpomp Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 Do not like them. 5am is a great start time, much earlier than that and it impacts Thanksgiving for those who have to work. I love Black Friday but when the shopping starts at midnight or 10PM Thanksgiving it becomes a bit diluted IMO.
zoemariesmamma Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 Buckeye Shopper said: What bag?Oh yea! The bath and bodyworks bag that is usually $20 with a $40 purchase.
SweetCanela Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 Tad22 said: What stores and malls will be opening at midnight? and do you like midnight openings or not?No and No. I don't have kids and I don't celebrate Christmas so I am only shopping for myself. Wal-Mart last year was an awful disaster first and last time ever going. Didn't get any of the $3 items nor the crockpot I wanted and the discounted PJs we bought was not worth the two hours it took to get out the store.I will be in line at Target a couple hours before they open and doing most else of my shopping online.
Buckeye Shopper Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 zoemariesmamma said: Oh yea! The bath and bodyworks bag that is usually $20 with a $40 purchase.That's what I was thinking is online but unsure what time their sale will start
Iliveforblckfri Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 I didn't like the Walmart one last year. I really didn't know how it would work last year. This year, I am in a better position to set up for what I might want. It will require teamwork if there are big things that we want. I did notice that it became more of a party atmosphere last year. More people who wouldn't have normally been at a Black Friday event were there. I just know that I want to get into a store, get my stuff, and move on to the next. Midnight openings do not seem to help with this. Darla Darla
BFQueenofNY Posted October 29, 2011 Posted October 29, 2011 mcwalker said: I don't like the midnight openings. Last year I shifted gears at the last minute and went into a Toys R Us after midnight. The long delay there produced little and through off my routine.Not planning to do a midnight opening this year, but will decide when I see all the lists and opening times.I have to admit that I feel the same way. Our TRU line was so long that by the time I got in the store after waiting hours just to get through the doors only to find everything I wanted gone, I has wasted so much time and energy that it threw off my whole trip. The 12am items need to be REALLY worth it. I am not wasting my Thanksgiving Day.
allshoppedout Posted October 29, 2011 Posted October 29, 2011 Iliveforblckfri said: More people who wouldn't have normally been at a Black Friday event were there. I just know that I want to get into a store, get my stuff, and move on to the next. Midnight openings do not seem to help with this. Darla DarlaI agree, don't need extra bodies in the way that just wanna "hang out" and I too WANT TO GET INTO THE STORE, BUY STUFF & FLY out! I am 90 % in favor of NO midnight openings....
allshoppedout Posted October 29, 2011 Posted October 29, 2011 arci122 said: I look at BF as 'The Thrill of the Hunt' and family bonding time....If they made it too easy, it would not be as much fun. Part of the fun of the whole day is not only getting the bargains, but planning, conquering, and feeling accomplished! I look at all the different open times as a challenge. We try to divide and conquer and prioritize what things we 'have to have' verses 'what would be nice to get'.I can say for sure I never see my husband have as much energy/fun as he does when he is going for the BF bargins and gets nearly every ONE of them! Adrenaline!! He goes VERY far on such little sleep-- one day a year, anyway LMAO!
DealFreak05 Posted October 29, 2011 Posted October 29, 2011 I like them better, personally. I usually have difficulty sleeping the night of Thanksgiving (probably sugar high), anyway, so this is a welcomed change.
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