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I know it's early to be thinking of this, but for those who plan ahead...


Have your cards postmarked from one of almost 100 cities or towns with holiday-themed names—such as Bethlehem, PA or Rudolph, OH.


Just follow these easy steps to have your cards arrive from somewhere special:


Write out your greeting cards, address & stamp them. Put them all in one large envelope or box labeled “Holiday Greeting Card Re-Mailing”, addressed to the Postmaster of the town where you would like your cards postmarked (see LIST). You will have to put First Class Postage on this envelope/box for mailing to your selected post office.


Mail early so your cards can be postmarked, re-mailed, and delivered in time for the holidays. Most cards received by the holiday Post Office location by Dec. 14 will be delivered by Dec. 25.

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