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For my Aunt and Uncles first Christmas that they were married...instead of giving her a gift, he gave her $50 a couple weeks before(this is about 35 years ago) and told her to go pick herself something out. Well, to his suprise on Christmas day there was a brand new television sitting under the tree on Christmas day. He couldn't understand how she could have gotten it for only $50 until she explained that she used the 50 as a down payment and that he would be making payments on it. Needless to say, he never ever gave her money to buy her own gift again...lol.
I also wanna respond to this. I always pick my own. I am not at all offended by doing so. Now maybe if hubby gave me a limit to spend I would be. But since I just go buy what I want...I am happy...and I never buy ME something I won't like...or a can opener or something...lol.
My mom has bought her own presents since I was little. She was happy, she got what she wanted and didn't have to go to the return lines after christmas. My dad in the past 5-6 years though has bought her a piece of jewelry. He brings her to his favorite one and lets her pick something out. Not very origonal every year, but a nice gesture
Hubby always gets mad at me because I can never decide on what I want. I have a tendancy to buy what I want, when I want it..tried telling dh this last night! LOL But he still insists in buying me stuff for the surprise. Last year he did really well with a nice watch and alot of smell good stuff. I don't think that he would actually hand me money, if he did, I wouldn't be upset...I'd probably go buy something for dd! LOL
I always tell DH what I want and where to get it. He usually gets me that. He learned a lesson a few years ago when he bought me jeans 2 sizes too big. I cried- he felt like crap- we were in the return line a few days later.
Guest all2tired
I wouldn't have done what she did but it was very smart of her to do it. Taught him a lesson didn't it
I tell him what I want and he gets it and usually one other little thing that I didn't tell him to get. It's nice to know I'm not getting something I will never use.
Me and my hubby have been together for 12 years,and he never buys for me, and when he does he asks what i want and i tell him if he can't just go buy me something just to forget it.Why can't a man just go pick something out by themselfs?:gd_devild:(;)
I have been married for almost 15 years and I thankfully my DH always buys my presents and he puts a lot of love and thought in each and every gift. He has never bought me an appliance, or domestic things for C-mas as he says thats not a gift, I can get that any time of year.
  erh12275 said:

For my Aunt and Uncles first Christmas that they were married...instead of giving her a gift, he gave her $50 a couple weeks before(this is about 35 years ago) and told her to go pick herself something out. Well, to his suprise on Christmas day there was a brand new television sitting under the tree on Christmas day. He couldn't understand how she could have gotten it for only $50 until she explained that she used the 50 as a down payment and that he would be making payments on it. Needless to say, he never ever gave her money to buy her own gift again...lol.

Thanks for a good laugh this morning!:rotflol:
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