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Is your Dad/FIL hard to buy for?


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It seems like fathers/father inlaws are really hard to buy for :cheesy:

Im tired of getting them "flannel lounge around the house pants", or a shirt. Neither of them have a hobby so thats not an option either. What are some things you might be purchasing you dad's/Fil's this year?

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My FIL is a huge American Choppers fan, so when WalMart had discounted their huge remote control choppers, we picked one up for $25 (they were going for 99). Also got him one of those Mr. Clean car wash sets (1.97 at target when they had them on clearance). We're also sending him a train ticket to come visit us since he refuses to fly... he and my MIL will be spending New Years with us! :trampolin
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Guest all2tired
My father is hard to buy for. My FIL, I learned early on not to buy him anything he won't like it. So every year I make him an Apple Cake. He then tells everybody to keep their hands off of the cake that it's his. He's serious too, nobody else can have any, it was his present.
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