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Christmas Morning Rules for the Kids


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Our "Rules" have been that they can come downstairs to "peek" but then they come and get us up. While were doing bathroom business, making coffe, etc. they can go through thier stockings. I don't wrap anything in thier stocking, but then everything else from "Santa" is wrapped in special santa paper. Last year my son had Spiderman and my daughter had Bratz. Once we're all in the dining room and the camera is set we can go to town!


After the kdis are done they usually call may parents, who will go pick up my grandma and then they can see everything the little ones got and then we have a big family breakfast.

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And for all you new parents of toddlers and on up to atleast age 7 - a cool idea is after the kids go to bed and you're sure they're almost asleep but not quite, have someone grab some bells, and stand outside the kids window and gently ring them, then run back into the house and listen to the conversation between the children, or if you just have one, run into the house just in time to meet them in the hall - lol


Our kids talk about it every year "Hey remember when we heard Santa's sleigh bells outside?" It's GREAT - I can't wait to tell them when they become parents.


DH and I did something like that for our oldest before we were married. He was about 6 yrs old and him and I lived with my parents. They have a one story brick home. DH helped me climb the outside brick up to DS window. I wore a Santa hat and had the big sleigh bells. We rang them while I looked in the window. I seen him sit straihgt up in bed and YEELL for Grandma!! I SEEN HIM I SEEN HIM! (they knew we were doing this) SANTA was at my window. I jumped down with my oversized boots and we ran away to the street, jumped in his truck and left. LOL Gosh I'll never forget that! But the funny part is the next Spring he actually found one of the bells that had fallen off the strap we had! That just made his day!

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