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Anyone else have to sneak out on BF?


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We usually have 30+ people for Thanksgiving and always have overnight guests. We stay up way too late visiting and reviewing sale ads and strategizing and then get up around 4:30 a.m. and have to step over people, get dressed in the dark not to wake anyone, take the dog out and feed her quietly and sneak out so none of the little kids wake up too early.


It's part of the fun of BF if you can do it without disturbing anyone and they don't have a clue when you left!

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Nope!! My hubby usually gets up and makes me breakfast while I get ready!! But this year he has to be at work at like 5 b/c his store is opening earlier this year (he's a Store Manager of Black & Decker). And as for my daughter, there's no waking her up. She could sleep through a tornado!!


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Nope!! My hubby usually gets up and makes me breakfast while I get ready!! But this year he has to be at work at like 5 b/c his store is opening earlier this year (he's a Store Manager of Black & Decker). And as for my daughter, there's no waking her up. She could sleep through a tornado!!


Seems we have alot in common! My hubby is the manager for EB games here at the outlet mall. He was going to close so I could shop, but he just found out his assistant is getting promoted! Ugh!!
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Yeah I have had to in the past. Try not to wake the kids and hubby ...get dressed in the dark...etc. Even one year had to try and not wake my dad who was on the couch and hears every peep...managed to wake him of course. But this year the girls(w/ the exception of the baby possibly) will be at hubby's cousins. Woo hoo.
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