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GottaDeal Threshold Test??

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Guest DigDoug

Brad, Ross,


I just tried to get to the forums and got this lovely message below:


Warning: mysql_connect(): User deals_gottadeal has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /global.php(349) : eval()'d code on line 1

We're upping the max connections right now and we'll be upgrading to a much more powerful server over the weekend (we didn't expect an ad this soon, lol), so we apologize for any inconvenience now :) It should be over soon.

Keith, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


It should no longer be an issue unless we get slashdotted or Larry King Live becomes our official spokesperson (complete with GottaDeal.com blue/orange suspenders).


Larry - call me!

Guest DigDoug

Just got a different one.


Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/deals/public_html/points.php on line 442


yeah for some reason the "members online" count dropped to zero. might have had something to do with them increasing the max connections.


it'll be good to move to the new server...

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