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Does Anyone Look Forward to Thanksgiving Day Sales?


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Of course I head out every BF, but does anyone else look forward to the Thanksgiving Day sales? Every year Im up by 5am and off to Kmart and Walgreens. I usually buy a lot then and also check out where merchandise may be the next day! I got Revlon lipsticks at Walgreens for only .99. It was for BF, but the sales clerk said the price went in the registers early. Supposed to be a one limit, but she let me buy 3! Kmart every year always has items I want too. Last year was GameBoy Advance games for only $8-$10. GameBoy Advance systems too for only $25. So I really look forward to both days!
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Oh, I am counting down the days.


Last year was great. I got some amazing things at the mall.. and I was in the front of the line, even after showing up just a few minutes before the doors opened. (I went to the back door of the Mall, that no one really went to..)

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Oh, totally. To me, it's just a part of the Black Friday experience. I'll hit Meijer for sure and maybe Wal-Mart or K-Mart if they have anything special. I also just for kicks go out on the day after Black Friday, early in the morning when the stores are completely deserted, to get the free CD from Best Buy and pick up on any Friday/Saturday deals that may still be available.



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Its always hectic to shop Thanksgiving day as I usually host everyone, but I wont miss it for the world! I make sure all the prepping is done for dinner. When Im done shopping, I go straight home and start cooking! I usually have 15 + people so its a tiring day! Of course I never do go to sleep because of the anticipation of BF the next day! Needless to say though once BF is over, I pass out on the couch or bed till dark.
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I look forward to the sales but do watch online, with free shipping from most sites you can pick up the same things and not have to fight the crowds. I find there are always one or two items that are really good but its nice to just have to go in for those items. One thing I notice is the difference in areas and what they sell. Someone mentioned above Walmart had GBA for $25, our area didn't carry that special?????:heks:
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Guest Deals4Me

Last year I stuck my 30 lb turkey in then went to Big Lots...


This year,I wont...unless Kmart has the pillows on sale for b1g1f or 50% off...

I need pillows.... bad.

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I am the only cook for the Thanksgiving meal at FIL's, and since we sit to eat at 2:00 PM, I can't be dragging from being at the stores really early while I finish preparing the meal.


A few years ago, I had submitted an article to Woman's World magazine about preparing the Thanksgiving meal in my FIL's kitchen, in response to their request for articles about Thanksgiving mishaps. I was told it would be published, but never did see it. I'm glad I kept a copy for myself in Word on my hard drive.

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Guest Deals4Me

kmart always have the 1.99 cheapies. I like them I usually grab a few every year to have on hand for visitors.

Is this the normal price? or the thanksgiving sale.I havent seen 1.99 ones... only thanksgiving maybe 3 years ago....and thats where my current ones are from...and they are shot to hell. Good for a few months...but heck, on my budget, we make them last!:2roller:

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DH usually wants to go check out sales after we are on our way home from Thanksgiving dinner at MIL's house. We eat around 1PM so its still fairly early.


I am usually just ready for a nap or ready to go home and start putting up a Christmas tree! ;)


We typically stop in at KMart but the store near us has changed to a Sears Essentials store and I'm not quite sure what to expect from that. Will have to go and take a look soon!

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I was at Kmart Thanksgiving day also buying game boy games for my nephews--it was a great deal. I think I also got my neice some Dora PJ's for a great price. It's not absolutely necessary for me to shop on Thanksgiving, but if we make it out we go!


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Are the 24 hour Wal-Mart SuperCenters open on Thanksgiving Day? If so, will they price match an out of area K-Mart ad?

Yes they are open on Thanksgiving. I think the Kmart ad has to be within a certian mile radius for them to price match you might want to call and have a chat with them.
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