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Special Webcast TONIGHT - 8:30pm ET - Walmart BF Ad & Your Questions!

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Since Walmart and other major ads leaked this morning we are doing a special webcast TONIGHT at 830pmET. We will have the chat room up and you can ask all of your Black Friday questions. If you cant make it dont worry we will have a webcast this Saturday evening!


All you need to do is join us at the link below. If you want to chat you need to sign up for a ustream account which is free and fast.


Show Link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/black-friday-live


We are the ONLY Black Friday site that does this and gives a chance for people to get all their Black Friday questions answered live. Please join us.


Be there. Aloha.

For those askin' how long this could go, last saturday we were live for a grand total of seven hours! Now that all the major ads are out, only the sky's the limit! :eek:

15 min until show time!


If you dont want to log into ustream and just want to watch you can post your questions here and we will be answering them. If you want to chat you can get a free ustream account.

I haven't seen a lot about android tablets, even though there are some of the e-readers listed as early items. Any ideas if there will be better android tablets available?

How early would you reccomend gettin in line for toys r us.

Your question has been answered in the webcast!

Per BigJim - as early as you can. He said as early as 7 AM on Thanksgiving Day.


Whats your thought on getting a refurbished ipod touch from apple rather than buying a new

Your question has been answered in the webcast

per BigJim - no problems with that, ensure that there's a warranty.


How do you think the midnight sales will work at WM? Do you think we will be able to go in early and load out carts?

Your question has been answered in the webcast!

Per BigJim - He doesn't really know about the midnight sales. They will be posting more info (They being Walmart)

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