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One of the local radio stations that normally plays the golden oldies starting playing Christmas music on their station yesterday! Anyone else? Got music but no ads, feel like I'm in the twilight zone.:gddjmusic:
I am patiently waiting for one of our local stations that plays Christmas music 24/7 over Nov. and Dec. to start. It hasn't yet, but the holiday music channel on our cable is playing Christmas music already!!! I'm happy.

It's odd I get some holiday music here in some stores. No words just music. I hear Japanese people trying to sing the words but they are not even close....


"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Santa and a sleigh...."

I love the holidays - and especially BF of course, I want to start playing Christmas music already, but today I thought it might be fun to tie it to BF. So I'm going to wait until the first major BF ad come out and Ta-DA! it will be christmas time for me, and the music will begin to play ;) Just thought I'd share!
Right now, I am listening to Christmas music and my husband is actually the one playing it for me!!!! Yes, the same husband that thought I was crazy yesterday when I got excited about Christmas music on cable. Here is the reason: dh's mom has some cassette tapes she wants transferred to cd's. Dh figured out how to download cassette tapes to the computer, then burn them to cd. So, he is experimenting with it with my Christmas tapes, yea!!!! He is on the second one and we have been listening to Christmas music all afternoon. Loving it!!! Also loving the fact that my cassette tapes will now become cd's that I will listen to more.
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