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Son wants an Ipod touch but which one

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How old is he? How responsible with his things is he? I got DS one when he was 21 and he had that for 2 years until it was stolen :( I ended up giving him mine but I am replacing mine soon.


They are somewhat fragile and easily lost/stolen

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For Christmas, we gave our DD (just turned 15) an iPod touch 64GB. They run around $400.00. I bought it at Best Buy and bought the extended warranty as the gal told me the screens tend to crack/break.

My thought was, if I get the biggest one, she won't be asking for an upgrade and it would hold everything that she wants on it. We have Wi-Fi in our home, so she is getting a ton of use out of it! Money well spent.

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Agree with previous poster..I got my DS 18 the new IPOD for Christmas and he is on it nonstop..it will give us directions, phone numbers, allows him to text and chat with friends, log on to Facebook and Yahoo, keep track of his work schedule AND listen to his music..lol...I just couldn't believe how much he uses it..he even downloaded the drivers ed textbook on it and is studying that way!! Great buy..oh and we are a Zune house too, but the new Ipod Touch totally blows our Zunes out of the water!!
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I would recommend that you purchase a case (for they tend to scratch easily), an arm band if the person will be using it at the gym or jogging but most importantly - as many itunes gift cards you could possibly afford. I gave my son $300 and it was gone in no time ... I know it sounds like alot but it's really amazing how quickly it goes-lol (talking for myself-lol). Great gift idea!
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