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SpongeBob Square Pants Npower Fusion 1GB Digital Media Player $99.99 NOW $19.99 w/FS @ Buy.com


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Too late for Christmas, but www.kids.woot.com has this for $9.99 + $5 shipping. I'm tempted, but my little one already has an mp3 player. I'm sure he'd think this one was cooler, though.



Thanks! I just ordered one since one of the two I ordered from buy.com through Amazon is defective and I don't know how long the return process is going to be! One works just fine and the other won't even turn on!!!!

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I have windows Vista and I can NOT get this to work on my computer! Anyone else have Vista and figure it out? I'm so not a techy person! My daughter opened it this morning so I could load it up and charge it so she can take it with her to her fathers tomorrow afternoon! HELP!

Check your media player it shows up in there so you can load songs on it. I have vista and when I plugged it in it started loading the drivers and then I went to media player and put music on it.

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Check your media player it shows up in there so you can load songs on it. I have vista and when I plugged it in it started loading the drivers and then I went to media player and put music on it.

One of the ones I got are defective. I am glad I ordered another one yesterday at kid.woot.com because buy.com is out of stock so they are going to give me my money back...I would not have been happy with that if I hadn't already ordered another one!

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