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? about Amazon Club Penquin DS Deal

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I ended up buying two of these one before the deal and then one for the $9.98. I bought the second one thinking that I needed it for my ds and dd to play wirelessly with each other. We are just getting ds his ds system for christmas so I can't try this out.


So I am wondering do they each need the game or not to play it wirelessly with each other?


I thought yes but when I look at the back it looks like I just need one. If I do only need one I am returning the $20 one back to Amazon.


Thanks for any help on this!

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are they ever going to want to play in separate locations? (one at grandmas, one at home?)

That's a good point. Honestly, in paying $30 for BOTH, you got 2 for less than the cost of one. I'd keep both, and maybe leave one unopened. See if they both want/need them and if not, could you use as a birthday gift for one of their friends? Just an idea. :)

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Thanks everyone! I am going to return the second one...


I am pretty sure that if it just the two of them they can play with one card but if more than that join in then they would need a second card.


Even if only one can play at a time that is fine neither one of them asked for it, it just looked like a good game. I think they can share!:)

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