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I got 4 hamsters and 4 accessories from Shopko - free shipping if over $75. Walmart has better prices on the pets, but the accessories are comparable!
I got two pets and the skateboard. I was so mad, I was at work and had the hamstermobile and the ball in my cart and then I had to wait on a customer, when I went back to check out it took those items out of my cart :( Oh well, she will get the two pets and the skateboard and if she acts interested she may get some more for her birthday in January.

I had all four colors in my cart and the starter set but I could not find my stinking Shopko Membership card number. After having to re-apply so I could get the free shipping, the only thing left in my cart was the starter kit and Mr. Squiggles. Oh well..I'll catch them next time...lol! :cheesy:


and they're gone

I'll be ready NEXT time...got my membership number now! :D


all 4 hamsters available now!!!!!


I got all 4 cause i couldn't remember which came with the starter set and didnt want to miss them...then I just called Shopko to see if they could combine the orders so I would not have the shipping charge (almost $16!!!)...they said they will not combine orders that include any zhu zhu pets...apparently if you try to do so they will cancel your order completely...heads up.

Wow has the crazy finally died down??? :razz: They have been in stock for over almost two hours now...*GASPS!* :eek: Guess everyone is in the Target thread..lol!

Wow has the crazy finally died down??? :razz: They have been in stock for over almost two hours now...*GASPS!* :eek: Guess everyone is in the Target thread..lol!

I just dont think people KNOW about Shopko...I know I didnt until this OP


Got both of my packages delivered yesterday and I just openend them today...kids were around. Got a code for $10 off online when you spend $100. The code is OFFER1 so hopefully that helps.


This was my first post ever and its fun to watch how many people are looking at the thread and how many people are happy.


This is soooo much fun!!!!!!!!!

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