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$299. E-Machine PC printer not compatable


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Did anyone else get this computer??

It was the $299. PC e-machine bundle. We are so far very happy with the computer itself but when you try to install the printer it CAME with you get a pop up saying it is not compatible with with the computer (windows 7).


I also bought the $99. blue ray which was BROKE right out of the box so when I took it back I asked about the printer issue.


The manger went to the back and looked it up on the HP (they gave an hp printer) website and it says it IS compatible. So I know I am not crazy and he said something about downloading new drivers??


Shouldnt this stuff work without all the fuss??

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You probably need to download drivers. Go to the HP website, search for your printer, and find the drivers for windows 7.


Or just go to google and go "HP blahblah printer model windows 7 drivers" and see if it comes up faster that way from the HP site.


Nothing ever works without any fuss. Even in XP, which allegedly could find drivers for you, that never worked for me, and I just downloaded the drivers to make life easier for me.

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I was able to score one of these on Black Friday, but it is a gift for my DS/DD, so I haven't checked it out yet. Other than the printer, have you had any other issues? I guess in my haste, I forgot to look and see all that was in the bundle (keyboard, mouse, etc)



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ok thanks I will get on it and do the foot work ..... grrrr .....

This is nothing to get too upset about. You should always have the latest drivers for your computer. I always go and update the graphics and sound drivers every other month or so. They are good for fixing issues you may have had. Actually, this is standard practice now on a lot of items. If you buy an iPod (you spend all that money) and you have to go to their website to download iTunes (it doesn't come with it and you have to have it). It does not come with it. Then, every time they make a new iTunes, they want you to download that.

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