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Does anyone have any advice on what time to get to babies r us to get the shermag glider? I walked through our local babies r us today and they already have some of the items out and there are very few of anything. Only two of the Exersaucer and 15 of the space saver high chairs. I asked about the glider and they said they are just putting them out on the floor and it's a free for all and they only have a few in stock. It's the only thing that I really want and need this year but it's supposed to be cold, rainy and windy here on Friday and at 24 weeks pregnant I don't want to be outside standing in line too long and get sick. If anyone has been before and can offer me some advice I'd greatly appreciate it!
I went last year to my TRU/BRU for pretty much the exact same deal at 8 1/2 months pregnant...so I know your pain. ;) If yours is not attached to a TRU they may do it differently, but I got there an hour before they opened, got right in and a very nice employee asked me right away what I was looking for I told him and he took me right to it, had someone bring it to the back of the store for me while I went to the register and paid for it...of course after picking up a few extra things for my DS3. They only had 3 at our store, but I was the only one there worried about it first thing in the am. Good luck! I would find an associate and ask for help...being pregnant they will bend over backwards for you and if they don't...I would speak to a manager.
i always get to bru AFTER all the other stores and its never busy? i have always got everything i needed there too! its usally about 1 hr after they open.
Thanks so much for the information. Luckily the store closest to me is a Babies r Us only so I will not need to deal with the craziness of a Toys r Us combo store! However it does mean that they don't open till 5 AM and if I go early I'm going to have to wait outside. I think I'll go after I'm done at Old Navy and have dropped my mom off at Kohl's! Thanks again for your help and advice!
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