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Door buster page no ticket info

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Last night when this page became active it was CLEARLY stated that you need tickets for all these items.

I just looked and it says NOTHING about tickets anymore ... ??


Can you imagine if they decided to not do tickets all of a sudden??

My store on BF did not ticket and items except for the front page. After waiting in line for two days and being in the top 6 (arrived wed. @ noon), we were told to go to the back and wait in line for any laptops. They had decided the were going to let people walk down an isle and grab the laptop of their choice one at a time. However they did do a very good job making sure the other people in the store didn't grab one in the chaos. Then after seeing how long this process was taking, they decided to open to other "registers" in the "laptop isle" So two other lines formed, but it was not the front people in the 1st line. Needless to say, my line got held up by a customer paying and the other two lines of people that arrived that morning got all the HP's. Plus every computer was optimized at $99 above the ad price. When we talked to the manager and said it was unfair, she called in the police... I am a teacher and there were bad words or screaming. So after being escorted out. We called the media. Fox news came by interviewed us and the manager. After being put in an awkward position, she decided to give our group and the group of two people in front of us a $200 g/c.

My store on BF did not ticket and items except for the front page. After waiting in line for two days and being in the top 6 (arrived wed. @ noon), we were told to go to the back and wait in line for any laptops. They had decided the were going to let people walk down an isle and grab the laptop of their choice one at a time. However they did do a very good job making sure the other people in the store didn't grab one in the chaos. Then after seeing how long this process was taking, they decided to open to other "registers" in the "laptop isle" So two other lines formed, but it was not the front people in the 1st line. Needless to say, my line got held up by a customer paying and the other two lines of people that arrived that morning got all the HP's. Plus every computer was optimized at $99 above the ad price. When we talked to the manager and said it was unfair, she called in the police... I am a teacher and there were bad words or screaming. So after being escorted out. We called the media. Fox news came by interviewed us and the manager. After being put in an awkward position, she decided to give our group and the group of two people in front of us a $200 g/c.

I just wish the managers would READ the page that says what is suppose to be done across the board :(

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