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iTouch 64 GB Deal needed


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I have looking for a Black Friday or any other deal on an iPod Touch 64 GB Edition. I have see deals for the 8 GB and 32 GB iTouch but not the 64 GB iTouch. Gift Cards or iTunes cards that are throne in are a plus. Any information that you have found with the 64 GB iTouch will be greatly appreciated.



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Unless I read incorrectly, the TRU ad stated that the $50 gift card was with an size Ipod touch purchase :)

You read correctly, I just checked the ad myself and it does say the $50 gift card comes with ANY Ipod touch purchase on BF. That is a really good deal. MacMall also offers good everyday pricing on the 64GB Touch for $378.99. I just bought one myself, have had it for about 2 weeks now and love it. I got mine from EBay though. It was sealed in the box brand new and I only paid $298 for mine!!:shock: You just have to watch who you deal with on Ebay and make sure the seller is reputable.

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