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What is one frivilous gift you'd like this year?


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Well, I just got my frivilous gift and that was my net book. I did not need it since I have a lap top. i was going to go get a air card only but saw the price of the net book and thought it was nicer to travel. We are leaving next week and i cant wait to be on the net while riding down the road. I downloaded some movies on my ipod I cant wait to watch
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I have it!!!! it's the advent house from NL Christmas Vaca! Totally way expensive and totally frivilous!!!!


I put the link below so you can see it, Brad, Marc, Jim et al. If the link is against the laws, please take it down and forgive me. It's closed for the season so I didn't think there was any harm.


It's 995.00 talk about frivilous!




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Seriously, I would like a weekend to myself alone in my house. No, more like a week. No kids, no DH, no chauffering, cooking or cleaning. Just me, lots of TV and online shopping and cooking meals that I like and no one else does. Oh and reading...what is that anyway?
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I really, really, really, really want an 8 or 16 GBIpod nano. The shuffle is just too small, I'd lose that think in a day! I don't need a touch screen or a phone on it, just something that will play this endless amount of music I have!


Alas.. a $150 item and I can't even come close to affording it..


Ah well...




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First Class air ticket to London and hotel...


Okay, I know it is a lean economy and this is just a wish, that's why I started with First Class tickets (since I've never flown up front)......economy class would do!



I love reading this thread... its so much fun

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