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>>> Kmart Thanksgiving Day Ad Posted <<<

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  mommyhawk said:

Yes, thank you! C'mon toys!

Looks like I'm done typing up all the toys, so whatever is on the listing is all that's in the ad, so if you are stying up for those, you can go to bed :P

  Brad said:

Looks like I'm done typing up all the toys, so whatever is on the listing is all that's in the ad, so if you are stying up for those, you can go to bed :P

Bed? lol No thanks! lol its only 1:22am here im still good lol

  Brad said:

Looks like I'm done typing up all the toys, so whatever is on the listing is all that's in the ad, so if you are stying up for those, you can go to bed :P

LOL - okay, thanks then! :)

  peacelover222 said:

yes, link is broken :(

Yeah, we will have to wait until everyone (Brad :tired:) wakes up to fix it. Thanks for working late to get the list posted.

What hours is Kmart open on Thanksgiving Day? I am from Ontario and will be heading to Birch Run to Start shopping at midnight at the Prime Outlet Mall. Could go to Kmart earlier in the day maybe.

Sorry I am at work and the scan is on my home computer. I just have the copy of the ad that I brought with me.


Get a $25 sony gaming coupon when you buy any sony PSP Game System

I'm having trouble finding the link to the adscan. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Sorry for your troubles. Thanks!
  left210 said:

With the PSP it says you get a $25 gaming coupon. What is that? Just a coupon to apply towards the purchase of a game at Kmart?

I'm wondering the same thing. That's what it sounds like, but not sure. It also says in the fine print, it's only valid on "blue friday Nov. 27th" LOL

Kmart is trying to get people to come back on black friday.


Thanks for the ad, Brad. Hard to believe it took this long to come out. lol

The Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum game looks good to me. $29.99 - haven't seen it cheaper than that anywhere else. :D


thank you! Looks like KMart is stopping my turkey day tradition of buying new pillows for my house. I'll have to hit them on Saturday.


But that Tom Tom GPS on Thursday for 79.99 looks like a good price, maybe I'll go for that and some cheap DVDs and CDs

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