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Wal Mart 90% off Halloween


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I just got back from Wal Mart where they had all Halloween for 90% off. They still had 3 isles full!


They've also been making room for Black Friday over the past week and randomly putting items up front on flat beds for next to nothing. They had large hampers for $1, large, plastic 3 drawer things for $1, smaller Sterilite brand 3 drawer things for $2, large coolers on wheels for $10, totes and everything. It was mainly all the plastics that they had up on the risers.



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I was just coming to post the same thing. My WM had 90% off Halloween as well. I picked up some more costumes for dress-up. The cashiers were complaining to each other about what a nightmare this Halloween clearance is. I don't know why because everything rang up correctly. The one cashier told the other one that this is the last day, and they are going to pack it up and "get it outta here!"
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My walmart went 90% off an Saturday..It had to be overridden at the checkout which was a PITA cause I had 2 1/2 baskets full. BUT they rang up 50% and then they overrode the 90% ON TOP OF THAT so I got things 95% OFF!! Lucky me!


I got over 30 costumes!


I went back yesterday and they had the cash registers fixed and things were just scanning 90% I got lots of those toystory buckets as party favors for my DS's bday..they don't have anything halloween on them!!

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Half of the stuff I bought today was marked 90% but rang up only 50% so she price adjusted which was a total pain but I was not paying $1.00 for something that should have been 20 cents! The cashier acted like she didn't want to do the 90% off but I told her no way was I buying it at 50% off and she gave it to me while saying, "we have got to get rid of all this stuff!" They still have about 3 aisles left at our store!
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They changed the signage on the THREE full aisles to UP TO 90% off. Some of it is still 50% off, some is 75% and some is 90% you just don't know til you get up to the checkouts and have them scan it since the scanners in our are not capable of reading anything that is plastic or has plastic over it. Major pain.
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