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Let's just hope allot of the bargains can be purchased online. This new system there doing stinks. I think once many people learn the change, they just might say to heck with it & go elsewhere.
Amazing how a holiday like Christmas, (which is NOT about presents for kids), brings out the whiners and greedy people. If you don't like a store's policy don't shop there. I am sure the folks who would have heard your whining complaints will thank you for NOT stopping by.

Amazing how a holiday like Christmas, (which is NOT about presents for kids), brings out the whiners and greedy people. If you don't like a store's policy don't shop there. I am sure the folks who would have heard your whining complaints will thank you for NOT stopping by.

Wow nice attitude. With todays economy EVERYONE is trying to stretch thier dollar. If you don't like the discussions, go elsewhere. Im sure some people don't want hear it
If WM does this, they will suck this BF. That is ridiculous. Like I am going to explain to my kids that only one of them got something because WM decided to make me wait in a line, get one of something, and everything else was gone by the time I could get to those lines.
I am really hoping this is all rumors. Unless you go shopping with a huge entourage you will only be able to get one item.. that is nuts. I will go elsewhere if this turns out to be true which this early who really knows. I live in BFE so I'm sure they will be doing it in some @ssbackwards way so I don't know why I get riled up over the " offical " way things will be done LOL

I have two sources that are telling me that non-24 hour Wal Marts will be open at midnight. I'm not sure if this means that the sales will start at Midnight, or if it means that they are just opening the doors to let people line up inside at the pallets where they want items from (you know the new rules of a line for every item). It is unclear, but I am trying to find out more.


Realistically, they probably are not starting the sale when the doors open, but letting the lines build up to avoid rushing.

I asked at my walmart(newton n.j) and was told that they are not opening up at mid night and that they have a fence co coming to put a temp fence up to keep the people in a straight line at the door

I just got back from my Walmart - I had them price match a wii game that Kmart was out of and wouldn't give me a rain check for. I asked the lady at the electronics counter about black Friday. She said that they would be doing the different lines for different products that we are hearing out. She said it would be really hard to to get more than 1 of the "hot deals" unless you have family members or friends standing in a different line. We have a 24 hour Walmart and the only day they close is Christmas. I am usually in the store by 4 and have all my price match items in the cart. I'll have to wait and see what the ad looks like...I might hit Kohl's or Target first if there is nothing I really have to get. We picked up a 32" TV for 14 yoa ds this morning. If I find a better deal we will return it to Costo.
An example.. wonder if they will they have one TV line, one camera line meaning that if there are several TV's on sale and several camera's, anyone wanting either of the TV's or camera's will be on the same line.. get what I am saying. That is what happened last year. All camera's were in the same line, and you had to wait on this super long line for which ever camera you wanted. Even if it were just to "look" at it. The line was to view, purchase and pay.. all one line.. it was horrible. I have a feeling that this is what the "new" way is going to be :no: and there were only 2 registers to boot for the camera line :shock:
In most cases even when they are open 24 hours they keep the sale items covered until the sale begins. Not sure how it is by you but here they have maps to tell what sale items are located where. Unfortuneately you usually only get 1 or 2 of the sale items since you can't be at every pallet so I usually go to other stores first and then to Walmart. Besides, from past experience, the Walmart gives out the tickets (most of the higher end electronics are kept in Lay Away and you get a ticket to purchase the item) to their employees first before the public even gets the chance so I generally don't bother until I get my main sales out of the way.
I asked my MIL, she works in electronics at the Wal-Mart closest to me. She hasn't heard anything about BF yet (I knew more than she did!) All she knew was that she is scheduled for Thanksgiving (open 7-6) and 4:30 am on BF. As far as she knows it's not opening at midnight on BF.

I don't understand why WM would allow you in the store at midnight but not allow you to purchase the BF items till five or six hours later. People (myself included) are going to get bored and sleepy. Are they hoping that people will get bored, want to go home, purchase other, more expensive things, and leave?

I have stayed at the stores all night long in the store


It is for the day after Thanksgiving, and I did get a solid confirmation this morning. This is happening. The store opening at midnight, but sales not starting then.

Unfortunately, in some communities there are still some zoning laws that prohibit stores from being open before a certain hour --


I have stayed at the stores all night long in the store

Our Supercenter did it last year...worked out great! Plus, think about it from a marketing perspective; the longer Walmart has you in their store, the more likely you are to buy things...even if you didn't originally intend to buy them :yup:


Our Supercenter did it last year...worked out great! Plus, think about it from a marketing perspective; the longer Walmart has you in their store, the more likely you are to buy things...even if you didn't originally intend to buy them :yup:

that would be me...Yes one of my Bf purchases last year was dog food and tp....wandering around for 4+ hrs i *finally* remember to pick some up! lol Usually it takes me 2-3 trips to wm for those items before I actually remember thats what i went for :P

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