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What is your favorite Christmas show on tv?


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A Christmas Story!! And we watch the 24 hour marathon all day!! It's playing while I wrap the gifts on Christmas Eve and while we unwrap them on Christmas Morning. My whole family LOVES it. Hoping to visit the House where it was filmed this year. We have planned to go every year and every year, something comes up. HOPEFULLY, this will be the year we make it!!


Also LOVE It's A Wonderful Life!!!


Like- Elf, Jingle All The Way, Christmas Carol, Polar Express, Frosty, Rudolph, Christmas Vacation, The Grinch (both versions), All of the Santa Clause movies, and (don't laugh) any Flintstones Christmas show:)

I get the feeling that you like A Christmas story. Me too, I threaten to get a leg lamp and mourn that my kids are too big for the bunny suit!

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